No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 18
- URL:
Hexagonal symmetry of the East-European platform basement's structure
The new scheme of East European platform basement's zonation is discussed. The regularities of geological complexes location allow to separate four geoblocks/ Geoblocks, which are located symmetrically, have similar structure, composition and size.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):10-19
Application of the geostatistical Module ArcGIS for study of a geochemical field (on an example of a site Ponpel-Shor, Polar Ural)
The maps of distribution of gold concentration and its elements-indicators on a surface were constructed for the site of gold mineralization Ponpel-Shor (Polar Ural). The application of the geostatistical Module ArcGIS allows to study anisotropic distribution of elements and confirms the assumption that the gold mineralization was formed in 2 stages.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):24-29
Central America mining industry under «the press» of the World economic crisis
Silver is found as by-product component in such countries as Costa-Rica, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua in polymetallic, gold and directly in gold-silver deposits. Small gold-silver deposits are being prospected in Salvador; precious metals intensive are being prospected in Costa-Rica, but their producing is presented less than 1% of Gross Domestic Product, in Guatemala producing of silver has increased by 7 times from 2005 to 2007 years, but in Nicaragua increased by 2 orders. even thought the mining industry in Central America has experienced minimal growth from 2005, it still faces uncertainty due to World Financial Crisis.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):36-44
Geochemical searches of ore deposits on gas of iodine auras
The first experience of study atmochemical iodine auras in the atmosphere above ore deposits by a remote sensing data is considered. Their great importance for increasing of deepness and quickness of geochemical search methods is shown.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):45-50
Problems of silver import to India, connected with the world economic crisis
In India 76% of silver simultaneously is extracted from lead-zinc and from small quantity of Gold deposits. About 30% of consuming silver is produced in country. India occupied the third place of silver consuming in 2007 year. Silver is using in such areas as technological fields of industry and jewelry industry, producing tableware, mirrors and textile. Financial crisis and demand of metal prices had a bad influence on import of Indian silver.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):59-64
Geological phenomena - «falling stones from clouds» in Velikij Ustug
In Velikij Ustug region stones with some specific features are known. According to ancient legends and chronicles these stones presumably are of meteoritic origin. The detailed mineralogo-petrographical, petrophysical and mineragraphycal analyses of one of such stones showed, that most probably it has Earth origin.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):65-71
Petrochemical structure of Early Vendian basalt series in the South-Western part of the East-European platform
Early Vendian volcanic volynskaya series in the South-Western part of the East-European platform contains two types of rock's paragenesa which differ by petrochemical trends. One of these types corresponds to tholeitic, other - to kimberlitic trends. Guestions of possible connections of Cu and Au mineralization with different paragenesa boundaries are discussed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):77-84
Petrographical study of gilding and paints on white stone XYII ANE (Moscow Cremlin)
The character of gilding and paint composion of tsarevna Maria Ioannovna tombstone slab was studied. The morphology and the chemical composition of gilding testified with using gold powder. The composition of gilding Au, Hg, Ag, Mo, Ni, Cu. was determined by the SEM method.
The blue painting was made by azurite pigment with Pb emulsion. Later the slab became light green because of the atacamite formation.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):85-89
Modern trends in the development of oil and gas complex of the World
Modern trends in the development of oil and gas World complex are characterized: increase of exploration volumes on continental shelf, wide-scale using computer technology for increase reserves on already known fields, using of horizontal drilling for increase oil recovery, sharp growing liquefied natural gas production.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):107-112
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):113-115
Our autors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(1):116-118