No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 28
- URL:
Strengthening of ramming pit throat technology and device for it's realization
Method of strengthening of ramming foundation pit throat and device for it's realization is presented in this paper. It has demonstrated that reverse taper formation in the pit throat when earth-moving during ramming of pits can be precluded due to installing metal case in it, provided by flat area, supported on the ground surface.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):7-10

Technology of formation of the widened basis under bored piles and the device for its realization
The device for formation of the expanded basis under bored piles and technology of its performance is presented. It is shown, that increase of bearing ability of a pile of an offered build is reached by that at insertion of a trunk semiflexible blades run into a ground and are bent, creating the expanded basis under bored piles.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):11-14

Reliability indices of construction technological system with reserve
The investigation results of reliability indices of construction technological system with simultaneous functioning of main and reserve elements are provided. The dependence of reliability indices of construction technological system using simultaneous functioning of main and standby elements of production process enables to evaluate the efficiency of chosen work organization scheme.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):15-18

Methods measuring of stringed activity efforts in reinforcement bars building of steel concrete
In the article examine problems for perfection of methods measuring of activity efforts in reinforcement bars of operational building of steel concrete in places, where stringed reformers not mounted during process of construction.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):19-24

Technology of cooling of the ground
Engineering structures are erected to any frozen ground, including iceful and pure ice, with the obligatory device of the various cooling systems providing preservation of a frozen condition. The technology of cooling of a ground by means of a new construction of the device for ground cooling is resulted.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):29-31

Resistance construction in operation in industrial buildings exposed to petroleum
The protection of the concrete and reinforced concrete structures against the oil products used in industrial buildings for cooling and lubrication of the technological equipment is examined. In the case of the laying on the mentioned constructions surface of 5-6 layers of the paint-and-lacquer materials these constructions are impermeable even for the light fractions of the oil products.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):32-35

New ways of strengthening of compressed elements reinforced concrete structures
Compressed elements of reinforced concrete structures are influenced by various factors in the process of building exploitation. Increasing of exploitation pressures is the chief danger. One way of increasing of carrying capacity of main exploiting columns is considered in the report.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):36-39

Operational reliability of sanitary-engineering armature of internal waterpipe systems in residential buildings
Research and estimation results of reliability of sanitary-engineering armature of internal waterpipe systems in residential buildings are presented. The attention is focused on fact, that operational reliability's indicators of sanitary-engineering armature of internal waterpipe systems in residential buildings can be defined on the basis of analysis, statistical data processing of registration and malfunctions in controller's record books and also by their consideration on the basis of reliability theory.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):40-44

Development of technology of drinking water after purification from organic substances
Complex of investigation of adsorption a chlorphenol and chloroform by their compatibility in the presences from waters by activated carbon AG-3 and SKD-515 are different by nature, structure, size specific gravity of surface was studied.
The fundamental laws, peculiarity and machinery of organic components was established. Machinery of mass-transfer by adsorption of chlorphenol and chloroform mixture was showed. The main adsorption and kinetic parameters was defined. A model for balance of process adsorption of mixture consist from range of study about equilibrium, kinetics and dynamics adsorption of chlorphenol and chloroform in front of solution from water with activated carbon AG-3 and SKD-515, and calculation of engineering was suggested. The technology of adsorption purification drinking water was developed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):48-51

Mathematical model of water desalting by electrodialysis
Application of an electrodialysis for the natural water treating from superfluous quantity of inorganic salts is described. Principles of the modeling of electrodialysis apparatus are offered. The equations are obtained for the model, that take into account fluid dynamics and changes of membrane characteristics with the length of apparatus and in time.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):57-60

Water supply of the population as socially significant blessing
Supply of an available housing by water of drinking quality is a strategic problem of the state in maintenance of vital, sanitary and hygienic safety of the population. At supply of the population by water important not only to solve problems of profitability of the enterprises of water supply and water removal but also to satisfy needs of social character.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):61-66

Protection of fishes on devices for the fence of water
The technology of filtering receivers of water plays a significant role in water supply of cities. The basic advantages of constructions for filtering are submitted in article. A conclusion that accident protection devices for a fish represent the major device for prevention of hit of fishes in mechanisms of a fence of water.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):67-71

Overall performance of devices of electric type for protection of the fish on constructions for the fence of water
The analysis of an overall performance of devices of electric type for protection is executed. It is revealed, that features biological and electromagnetic, characteristic fishes for various kinds determine many aspects of action of devices on protection of a fish. The basic direction of protection of a fish is technical devices, which simple in construction and operation.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):72-75

Program safety of hydraulic structures
The main aspects of the urgent problem of safety of hydraulic structures in Russia is reviewed including the recent catastrophic failure of the Sayano-Shushensk hydropower plant (6400 MW) in Siberia. The main features of the innovative program «Safety of Hydraulic Structure» is presented aimed for teaching and training of students of Peoples' Friendship of Russia (PFUR) for degree of Master of Science in Hydraulic and Dam Engineering.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):76-81

Use of various models of concrete and rock foundation in stress state analysis of Boguchansk conrete dam
The 2-D stress-strain state analyses of Boguchansk concrete dam was performed using ADINA program with various models of concrete and rock foundation: elastic, ideally elasto-plastic with Mohr-Column criterion and nonlinear brittle models. The main properties of the nonlinear brittle model with strength softening of concrete and rock foundation were considered. The stress-strain state of dam sections under actions of hydrostatic and uplift pressures was analyzed and assessed as a favorable, but severe cold winter temperatures can transfer the dam state into unfavorable.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):87-96

The application of statistical methods for quality assessment of high concrete dams monolithing
Results of statistic calculation are given of data processing of both the first and the second grouting of 210 charts of the Ingury arch dam temporary joints. It is inviting to assess of dam monolithing quality on the сontrol works results for the sample of charts and move the results to the whole combination.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):97-99

Cementic materials for cementation concrete dams cutting on columns
The expediency of erection of high concrete dams cutting on columns in severe climatic conditions with use cutting on columns on concreting blocks is shown. Necessity of reception sufficient for carrying out of cementation of disclosings of time building joints is noted. Are offered cementic materials providing carrying out of successful cementation of seams with small disclosings.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):100-108

Stress-strain state of variant of rockfill dam with conrete facing of Kambarata-1 hydropower plant
The 2-D stress-strain state analyses of Kambarata and TSQ-1concrete face rockfill dams were performed using ADINA program with ideally elasto-plastic model of rockfill with Mohr-Column criterion. The great influence of consequence of construction on the stress-strain state of both dams was received. The new effective method of decrease of deflection of concrete face by roller compacted concrete (RCC) elements integrated under the middle of concrete face was proposed and assessed for Kambarata dam. The proposed Kambarata concrete face rockfill dam is the most favorable one comparing with the traditional concrete of rockfill dams whose are under design now.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):109-117

Determination of optimal perforation square in a cap under water hammer in pressure water lines
Pressure oscillations in water lines with air cap (pressure stabilizer) under water hammer are considered. Method of characteristics is used. Problem of optimal perforation square in a cap is investigated. A problem of optimal perforation square in an air cap is considered.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):118-122

Assessment of slopes stability of rockfill dam of Boguchansk hydropower plant
Results of comparative analyses of slopes stability of Boguchansk rockfill dam under action of static and seismic loads are presented. Analyses are performed by traditional (Terzhagi) and numerical (Finite Elements) methods. In the first method the decrease of shear strength of rockfill with increase of normal stresses was considered. In the latter the Mohr-Coulomb perfectly elasticplastic model for rockfill was used. The large margin of slopes stability by Terzhagi method was obtained comparing with F.E. method that allowed to justify the seismic stability of the dam.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):123-131

The elaboration of column model of skating field house in Krylatskoe and sampling of number of finite elements for its calculation
The elaboration of mathematical model of monolithic concrete free-ended column of Skating field house in Krylatskoe and calculation of its dynamic parameters. The calculations of frequencies of self-induced longitudinal and lateral vibrations for two types of loadings and sampling of number of finite elements for its calculation.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):132-136

Analysis of strain conditions baseplates on ground subsiding seismic response
The article presents the research results of calculation base plate frame buildings under seismic effects of subsidence in the soil. The estimation of the influence of wetted soil subsidence on the stress-strain state of a base plate.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):137-140

Implementation of computer modelling of space framed structures
The algorithms for geometrical computer modelling of space framed structures are discussed in the paper. These algorithms are implemented by the authors in computer software. The software is based on geometrical analysis and visualization of selected types of structural systems based on unified prototypes and includes the feature of combining prototypes, thus creating complex spatial framed systems.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):141-150

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2010;(2):151-155