No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 16
- URL:
The major tectonotypes and evolutionary transforming of folded buildings
Next evolutionary transforming folded buildings can be recognized in the Earth history: 1) transforming areal tectonotype to directive-linear one, 2) increasing of a newly formed (suprucrustal, juvenile) complexes folded structures and their composition, 3) decreasing of time generation (geotectonic cycles), grade of rocks metamorphism and intensity of granite-forming processes.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):5-10

Complex of methods of geochemical exploration of deep deposits
Complex of methods for the forecasting of deeply buried endogenetic mineralization as a result of lithogeochemical sampling of soils. The main attention is stressed for the elements of indication, sampling, methods of analysis and methods of evaluation.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):42-46

The formation of sulfides in hydrothermal fields of Broken Spur and VTP - 90 n.l.
The mineral composition of specimens in hydrothermal fields of Broken Spur and VTP - 9 о n.l. the pictures of textures and structures of mineral aggregates have been investigated. The mineral associations, its sequence and conditions of formation are described.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):47-51

Statistic analisys of Gold distribution and 3D geo-chemical model of the Northern flank of Mayskoe deposit allocated in Gornaya Shoria region
The work was in making the analysis of Gold and its trace-elements distribution. The analysis of geo-chemical features of the northern flank of Mayskoe deposit, belonging to Altae-Kyznesko-Zapadno-Saianskyi volcano-plutonic belt of the age frames from posterior Pre-Cambrian to anterior Paleozoic, allocated at the boundary of Gornaya Shoria and Gornyi Altai, was made in 3D space. 3D geochemical model of the northern flank of the deposit was made in accordance with the gained data.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):52-56

Paleovolcanic structures research of western Gornaya Shoria territory
Basing on geological data and special analyses of distance Earth researches data combined with series of geophysical data interpretation, the geological-geophysical model of Telbes region, located in early-middle volcano-plutonic belt, has been produced, where paleovolcanic strucure is easily recognisable.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):64-69

The results of atmogeochemical method used for searching deep-seated hydrocarbon accumulations
The results of using new geochemical method for searching hydrocarbon fields are presented. The most effective indication substances are determined and complex indication index is found out for searching hydrocarbon accumulations.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):83-89

The probleme of gaz condensate systems formation
According to vertical zoning of oil & gas formation generation condensate occurs on a boundary of the main zone of oil formation and the lower zone gas formation. The existing facts allow to allocate upper, up to MZOF, a zone condensate formation. Upper (immature) condensates on structure and a way of formation essentially differ from the mature condensates.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2008;(1):96-104