No 3 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 21
- URL:
Development of governmental intellectual distributed multi-objectal automated information control system of the personified data for one of categories of the Russian Federation citizens
Article considers the development of governmental intellectual distributed multi-objectal automated information control system of the personified data for one of categories of the Russian Federation citizens. The control object is a model of personified data of citizens. The model is formalized without any limitations and restrictions for type of subject, for example, pupils, soldiers or medics. The model adaptation for applied systems is a case of development and deployment. Without loss of generality it allows to receive conclusions for application of considered approach of a complexification control.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):5-15

Universal charging the device for Li-ion accumulators
In work results of an experimental research charging devices (Charger) for Li-ion the accumulators, a charge of one or several consistently included accumulators differing by possibility are presented. Optimum values of entrance pressure for such Charger depending on quantity of charged accumulators are established. The model explaining a principle formation of pressure for a charge set quantity of accumulators is developed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):22-26

Decision - making support system at booking and accommodation of hotel complex clients on the basis of GENSYM G2 corp integrated environment
The article discusses issues related to the theory and practice of research and development of control subsystem of the hotel complex. System of the production rules is formed on the basis of Gensym G2 Corp integrated environment that lets to carry on the continuous control of the hotel complex and to monitor in the real-time mode all the events related to the condition of the number of rooms. The developed system based on the knowledge base allows to temporarily replace an administrator in his absence to let the common operator to serve the clients. The system helps to make decisions about the accommodation of the clients to minimize the time required for registration to avoid the formation of the customer queues.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):27-37

Mathematical software implementations of algoritms of kinematics manipulator models for painting of the surface bodies
The article discusses the mathematical model of the forward task of kinematics, inverse, positioning capture of the robot is considered. Software implementation of these tasks allowed conducting the study of convergence and accuracy solution of inverse problem selecting the initial values and ranging of angles on each iteration and getting graphs of dependencies accuracy of iterations and reducing the angle. For more accurate solution of inverse problems of kinematics is applied a solution of the task of positioning to better reflect the real situation capture what is specified by the transformation matrix capture T6. Results are used to paint on the surface of the bodies.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):38-46

Statistical study on the mechanical characteristics when drilling sintethyc granite
This paper is a research on sintegran to determine the effects of drilling on the power characteristics of machine: axial force - P z , and torque - M z to minimize the stresses on the drilling process. Investigations were carried out using spiral carbide drills alloy BK8, the surface of which was treated with an electron beam by magnetron sputtering alloy NbHfTi gradient for the content of alloying elements intermediate layer before hardfacing (TiAl) N. Studies were conducted on a machining center equipped with CNC (сomputer numerical control), with the possibility of diagnosing power machine performance in real time. Studies have shown the optimal values of spindle speed and axial feed for machining sintegran.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):47-57

Usage of intellectual analysis methods in processes of electronic documents circulation
This article contains a brief information about the conduct of electronic document circulation (EDC) in companies using information systems (with SAP ERP as example). Includes an analysis of the basic principles of using EDC and disadvantages of standard solutions. An approach is proposed of using intellectual data mining to keep the systems integrity and to control operational data entry. Example of using this approach was proposed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):61-69

On the findings of trace fossils PHYCOSIPHON in the Triassic of South-Eastern Pamirs
The article contains description of the burrowing trace fossils Phycosiphon newly discovered in the Upper Triassic of South-Eastern Pamirs and some associated trace fossils. Depositional environments and bathymetry of enclosing sediments were analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):87-92

Facial analysis of Jurassic section of carbonate sediments in northern part of south - eastern Pamirs
The paper considers the description of the suites of Jurassic section of carbonate sediments of northern part of South- Eastern Pamirs and the scheme of idealized model of the carbonate platform as well as comparative analysis of selected assise with this scheme.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):93-101

Evolution of Triassic basin of north and west Caspian in Russian Federation with oil and gas
Covers the problems of stratigraphy and paleopathology conditions of education of the Triassic deposits of the Northern and Western border the Caspian sea. The forecast of possible oil and gas accumulation zones and neftegazopromyslovy of these territories.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):102-113

Ages of detrital zircons from lower Cambrian sandstones of North-Eastern periphery of the East European platform - sings of provenances of Ediacaran - early Cambrian Mezen basin
The detrital zircons were delivered from sandstones of Brusov Fm. of Mezen basin. Absence of detrital zircons with 750-510 Ma and availability of two distinct populations - Paleoproterozoic and Archean - with ages resembled well known ages of crystalline complexes of EEP basement, all these agree with interpretation of Mezen basin as a basin at passive margin of Baltica.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):119-123

Realization of the protective measure to territory and population from strike of water element
Peculiarities the actual aspects of protective territory and population from strike of water element - monitoring, investigations, design, building, exploitation of the engineering hidrotechnical objects and substantiate of the priority financing.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):124-131

Design of organization construction for diplomatic complexes
The article deals with specific methods and rules for planning organization construction diplomatic complexes. The article analyses contents and parts of design of organization construction, terms of construction, distinguished character of some kinds of buildings works in preparatory period. In the article definitions the directions in decision of the problem calculate terms of buildings in different periods of building the diplomatic objects.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):146-150

Fish protection grille in river channel Desna: hydraulic calculation
The article provides hydraulic calculation fish protection grille. For example, fish protection grille, installed on river Desna, proven the absence of influence of the fish protection grille on the exchange of water even with a strong its contamination.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):151-155

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RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(3):156-159