No 2 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 19
- URL:
Application simulator automated workplaces driller SHELF 6000 DRILL in educational process on forward 131000 «Oil and Gas Engineering»
The article presents the results of development simulator workstation driller SHELF 6000 Drill. 2 exercises described «Rotary drilling with extraction of the core» and «cementing». Conclusions about the use of the simulator in the educational process in the direction 131000 «Oil and gas engineering».
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):5-12

Use of training apparatus to simulate the emergencies PISCES II at discipline studying «The basics of developing offshore oil and gas fields»
The article describes the functionality of the trainer, simulation of oil spills, as well as the strength and means to deal with emergencies on the shelf. The different types of cleaner beaches with illustrations depending on the characteristics of oil spill.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):13-17

The potential of shale gas in Europe
The article considers the resource potential of shale gas in Europe. Over-touched the impact on energy security, impact on the economy, as well as governmental policies of countries with respect to shale gas. Compared estimates of various studies in the field of stock assessment shale gas.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):25-30

Investment potential gold mining industry east Kazakhstan
The article shows that at the present level of prices on the profitability of the gold can be conserved or deposits of ore deposits with minor reserves of the metal, as well as completion of the previously fully exhaust deposits in eastern Kazakhstan.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):35-39

Receipt of rare - earth and rare metals from the poor and untraditional of raw
Proposes the authors combined flotation and gidrometallurgical technologies for rare alkali metals of mica and the poor content of metals leykokratovyh granites. Extraction technology rhenium are developed from dusts and mining and metallurgical enterprises and dusts from thermal power stations burning coal using ion flotation. The possibility of building sand extraction of rare metals with a high degree of extraction.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):40-49

About the new distant method of cosmic geophysics by predicting of oil-and-gas-bearing structures
The innovation geophysical method is suggested for revealing and predicting of oil-and-gas-bearing structures. The method is distant and environmentally appropriate. It allows to investigate the area of 300-400 km in diameter from a single point, covering more than 70 000 square kilometres.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):50-54

Water supply problems of the Altai Republic: social, economical, environmental and engineering aspects
Considered natural and climatic characteristics, social and economical status, environmental and sanitary conditions of natural and potable water, engineering problems of the organization of water supply for the population of the Altai Republic.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):64-72

Impact of metals on physical and chemical properties of engine cooling system antifreeze
This research investigated the properties of antifreeze when it is brought in physical contact with metals. It has been found that when metals are put in contact with antifreeze during the process of engine cooling they cause a change to the antifreeze’s physical and chemical properties. The change in coolant properties is connected both with the chemical reactivity of the metal and also with any impurities which the metal may contain.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):73-77

Electrical properties of engine cooling system antifreeze
It can be shown that independently of the individual chemical compositions of coolants, they contain positively charged particles (ions). These are necessary to compensate for the negative charge of the metal surface due to the cathode and anode areas of corrosion in the engine cooling system. These particles can enter into a dense or diffuse part of the electrical double layer formed during the metal corrosion process.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):78-81

Conception d’un cadastre juridique a moindre cout pour les pays les moins avances (cas du Benin)
Le système foncier béninois est caractérisé par la cohabitation de deux régimes fonciers antagonistes. Cette cohabitation est rendue plus difficile par les mauvaises interprétations et applications des textes régissant le foncier. Ainsi dans le but de faciliter l’accès des couches défavorisées à l’habitat à moindre coût et par ricochet à la propriété, et pour lutter contre l’insécurité foncière galopante, l’Etat a instauré en 2004 le projet de transformation des Permis d’Habiter en Titres Fonciers (PH/TF). Ce projet dote les zones cibles en plan parcellaire à grande échelle représentant les différents îlots, leur morcellement parcellaire avec les détails qui s’y trouvent. Toutes ces informations fournies par le projet PH/TF sont indispensables au cadastre. C’est pourquoi le Bénin doit saisir l’opportunité de créer un cadastre à partir des données du projet PH/TF. La nécessité de mettre en place un cadastre juridique informatisé trouve son fondement dans une nouvelle politique de gestion foncière luttant contre l’insécurité foncière en recensant et en publiant auprès des administrations intéressées, toutes les informations sur les bien-fonds dans une localité donnée.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):88-94

The synthesis of intelligent multi-objective control system
This paper presents the synthesis problem of intelligent multi-objective control system. For given mathematical model of control object, control objectives, performance criterion, constraints, it is necessary to search a control that achieves several objectives and minimizes the value of the performance criterion. Control objectives are defined as points of the state-space to be achieved in the control process. The feature of the problem is that we search for the control in the form of two different types of multi-dimensional functions of the state-space coordinates. One function achieves a particular goal, and another function, logical, provides switching between the particular goals. To solve the synthesis problem of multi-objective control we use the network operator method.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):95-101

Calculation of fire risk in turbine rooms of hydro power plants
Results of numerical experiments on the fire spread in turbine room of hydro power plant using integral, area-based and field-type models for heat exchange calculations are presented. Calculation of potential, individual and social fire risks is made according to the current regulations. It is shown that in case of failure conditions for people safe evacuation, value of fire risk in some cases may be equal to the normative one. However condition for people safe evacuation is met only in the presence of mechanical smoke extraction system.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):109-118

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2014;(2):124-127