A method for determining the degree of loading of rolling elements in the working area of roller radial single-row bearings has been developed, according to this method the load distribution between rolling elements in the working area of these bearings depends on their location in this zone and the size of the contact pad between the maximally loaded rolling element and the outer ring of the bearing. Using the developed methodology, the radial force acting on the bearing is calculated for specific examples. As a result, the ratio between the radial force of the bearing and the force acting on the most loaded rolling body is obtained, which differs from the calculation of these bearings accepted in modern practice. It is also shown that this ratio is not constant, but depends on the magnitude of the force acting on the most loaded rolling body and the size of the rings and rolling bodies of the bearing. In this regard the following is proposed, in order to determine the maximum load on the rolling bodies-rollers in the working area of the bearing using the developed methodology, the method of iterations or successive approximations is suggested to be used, the essence of which consists in the initial approximate determination of the force acting on the most loaded rolling body, subsequent determination of the load on the bearing and comparing it with the actual force. By repeating this process many times, it is possible to obtain the maximum force acting on the rolling elements in the working area of the bearing with any degree of accuracy.