State Electrification Plan of Russia - an example of a systematic approach to the long-term development of the national electric power industry
- Authors: Vorotnitsky V.E.1
- “Energoexpertservis”, Ltd
- Issue: Vol 21, No 4 (2020): 100th anniversary of the GOELRO plan
- Pages: 290-301
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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A brief history of the State Electrification Plan of Russia (GOELRO plan) development, established in 1920, and its execution during 15 years is considered. It is shown that the basic statements of the GOELRO plan were developed and discussed in pre-revolutionary Russia, and actually it was a state plan for the development of the country's economy for a long-term period. The analysis of the main trends of development in the world and national electric power industries based on the use of new technologies and techniques for the production, transmission and distribution of electricity is also presented. A list of key systemic problems in the modern Russian electric power industry aroused as a result of its reform in the post-Soviet period is discussed. The conclusion about the need of more active state government participation in the industry management, in the creation of a new regulatory framework to improve the efficiency of the management was done based on the analysis of the mentioned problems. It is suggesting the developing of a new GOELRO plan, which has to take into account modern trends in the development of world energy, the achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; the positive experience of many years in the functioning of the Unified Power System of Russia and the prospects for the economic development of its regions.
About the authors
Valery E. Vorotnitsky
“Energoexpertservis”, Ltd
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 6123-7192
Deputy General Director, full member of the Academy of Electro-Technical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
22 Kashirskoe Shosse, bldg 3, Moscow, 115201, Russian FederationReferences
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