Assessment of wing deformation influence on airload determination at the initial design stages
- Authors: Baranovski S.V.1, Mikhaylovskiy K.V.1
- Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University of Technology)
- Issue: Vol 21, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 166-174
- Section: Aviation and rocket and space technology
- URL:
- DOI:
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At designing aircraft, much attention is given to the wing, as one of the most critical elements of the airframe. It is necessary to have a clear-eyed outlook at response sequence, efficiency of various factors and calculation features on the receipt timing and quality of the result. In addition, the design of a structural element is a complex multidisciplinary task affecting various fields of science, which is complicated by the use of polymer composite materials. In the furtherance of solving the urgent task of the methods of designing of a polymer composite wing, it is necessary to determine the influence of wing deformation on the airload used in the calculation and determination of product parameters. Methods of designing of a polymer composite wing used at the initial stages and taking into account the choice of the external appearance, justification of the structural arrangement and load-bearing elements. The paper considers the flow of air over the wing of a passenger airliner and analyzes the pressure values for various flight modes. A comparison is made of the initial theoretical wing surface and deformed during flight, and the difference in loading of the considered options is determined. A future methodology of polymer composite wing design based on parametric modelling will take these results into account and make use of them.
About the authors
Sergey V. Baranovski
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University of Technology)
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student, assistant lecturer of the Department SM-13 Rocket and Space Composite Structures of the Bauman MSTU
5 2-ya Baumanskaya, bldg 1, Moscow, 105005, Russian FederationKonstantin V. Mikhaylovskiy
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University of Technology)
Associate Professor of the Department SM-13 Rocket and Space Composite Structures of the Bauman MSTU; Candidate of Science (Eng.)
5 2-ya Baumanskaya, bldg 1, Moscow, 105005, Russian FederationReferences
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