Selection of sites for the construction of radioactive waste disposal points
- Authors: Pankratov N.S.1,2, Belov V.V.2
- Moscow Regional Construction Central Research Laboratory
- Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
- Issue: Vol 21, No 1 (2020)
- Pages: 36-47
- Section: Earth science
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article deals with the selection of sites for the construction of nuclear installations, radioactive waste disposal sites and other facilities for the use of nuclear energy. The review of modern approaches to the selection of sites for placement of near-surface radioactive waste disposal points shows that the system research in this area is not fully presented, and is mainly aimed at solving problems of an engineering-geological nature for the location area, as well as the choice of materials for engineering protection barriers. In this paper, using the example of radioactive waste disposal sites, we review the requirements set by the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and the International Atomic Energy Agency in the field of site selection. The authors proposed additions to the methodology for selecting sites for the construction of low-and medium-level waste disposal sites based on the system and GIS analysis of the ALARA principles, as well as the method of weighted evaluation of criteria and their pairwise comparisons. The multi-criteria nature of the site selection problem is proposed to be described by GIS analysis of data with drawing the corresponding “limiting” and “preferred” requirements directly on the map of the area, which is shown in the article by the example of selecting sites for radioactive waste disposal points. Taking into account the necessary requirements at various stages of the life cycle, as well as their significance, can be assessed by weighted estimates and pairwise comparisons, followed by their introduction into the GIS analysis. This approach allows to choose rational options for placing potential sites, taking into account the life cycle of the object, in a rational way, with compliance with all necessary regulatory requirements.
About the authors
Nikolai S. Pankratov
Moscow Regional Construction Central Research Laboratory; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
Author for correspondence.
consultant of the testing laboratory of MosoblstroiTsNIL, master of the Department of Construction of Thermal and Atomic Power Stations of MGSU
20 Kulakova St, bldg. 1L, Moscow, 123592, Russian Federation; 26 Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian FederationVyacheslav V. Belov
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
senior lecturer of the Department of Construction of Thermal and Atomic Power Stations of MGSU, PhD in Technical Sciences
26 Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian FederationReferences
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