Application of filtration tests for studying technologies for development of non-traditional reservoirs and tight oil reserves
- Authors: Beloshapka I.E1, Ganiev D.I1
- Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
- Issue: Vol 19, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 343-357
- Section: Innovative use of mineral resources
- URL:
- DOI:
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Currently, main light hydrocarbon reserves are being depleted across the world, which is why more and more petroleum companies pay attention to the possibility of developing unconventional reservoirs and hard-to-recover reserves. It is obvious that at this development stage of technologies for oil field exploitation, cost-effective development of unconventional reservoirs is impossible, and therefore there is a need for new oil production methods. Herewith, accurate setting and conducting of laboratory experiments plays an important role, since the decisions taken based on the experimental results affect the technological and economic factors. Such studies include filtration tests for determining the oil displacement ratio from core in laboratory. When carrying out filtration tests, the important point is accurate formulation of the experiment, which is impossible without a well-developed methodology and specification. To date, the tests to determine the oil displacement ratio are regulated by IST-39-195-86, which was approved in 1986. In a detailed investigation of the document, it was established that most of the points in the document need to be changed and refined in connection with the improvement of equipment and methods for preparing the core material in order to reduce errors at various stages of the experiment and to estimate the displacement ratio more accurately in determining the effectiveness of the technologies being developed.
About the authors
Ivan E Beloshapka
Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
Author for correspondence.
Post-graduate student of the Department of Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Fields, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute. Research interests: Increasing efficiency of developing deposits with tight oil reserves, filtration tests
2, Lenina str., Almetyevsk, 423452, Russian FederationDinis I Ganiev
Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
Post-graduate student of the Department of Development and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Fields, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute. Research interests: Unconventional reserves oil development, filtration tests, tomographic studies
2, Lenina str., Almetyevsk, 423452, Russian FederationReferences
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