Use of author-developed software products for training college and university students


The article presents the author-developed software products that are used for training college and university students in engineering, economy and information fields. For training mechanical engineering professionals, the authors have developed two sets of programs. The first set is designed for mechanical engineering majors and is dedicated to studying manual programming for developing control programs for CNC machine tools, operating in absolute and relative coordinate systems. On the basis of the first program, a table of contour coordinates of a part made from sheet material is prepared, and on the basis of the second program - a table of contour coordinates of a shaft (rotary body) is prepared. The second set of programs also consists of two programs dedicated to product quality assessment - “Pareto Chart” and “Program for calculating statistical parameters for product quality control”. These programs are designed to construct Pareto and Shewhart charts based on the loaded data, allowing to learn not only basic concepts, but also learn how to compare results and draw conclusions about product quality. The next program “Analysis and design of logic control systems” is intended for Information Technology professionals, but can be applied to any field, as it gives a general picture of how logic elements operate, as well as the tasks of analysis and design. The first three tasks allow to learn logic elements, and the last task is the problem of designing logic control systems and presents a virtual device for generating input data for the design problem. The program “Development of the software product for routing cargo on the basis of the Svir algorithm” is developed for training professionals of economic specialty and allows to build maps of operating areas and task schedules on the basis of the loaded data. The above author-developed products allow the user to obtain knowledge and skills in studying specific disciplines, saving time and resources for the teacher, and increase interest in learning among students.


  1. Gyagyaeva A.G., Sorokin L.A., Kozhanova E.R. Avtomatizacija otrisovki kontura detail dlja podgotovki upravljajushchih program dlja ChPU [Automation of part contouring for developing control programs for CNC]. Young scientist. 2013. No. 12. 115—117. (In Russ.)
  2. Kozhanov R.V., Gyagyaeva A.G. Avtomatizacija otrisovki kontura detail dlja podgotovki upravljajushchih program dlja ChPU [Automation of part contouring for developing control programs for CNC]. Product Quality: control, management, improvement, planning, scientific papers of the 3rd international youth scientific-practical conference: in 2 volumes. 2016. 337—341. (In Russ.)
  3. Gyagyaeva A.G., Sorokin L.A., Kozhanova E.R. K voprosu otrisovki kontura poverhnostei vala [In addition to contouring surfaces of shafts]. Young scientist. 2014. No. 1. 81—84. (In Russ.)
  4. Kozhanov R.V., Kozhanova E.R., Tkachenko I.M., Zaharov A.A. The logical design process automation control systems. Conference Proceedings — 2014 International Conference on Actual Problems of Electron Devices Engineering, APEDE 2014. 2014. 153—158.
  5. Kozhanov R.V., A.G. Gyagyaeva, Kozhanova E.R., Sorokina L.A. Programma postroenija diagrammy pareto dlja ocenki kachestva produkcii [Program for constructing Pareto chart for product quality assessment]. Product Quality: control, management, improvement, planning. Collection of scientific papers of the 3rd international young scientific-practical conference: in 2 volumes. 2016. 342—346 (In Russ.)
  6. Kozhanov R.V., Artemov A.D., Gyagyaeva A.G., Kozhanova E.R., Sorokina L.A. Postroenie kontrol’nyh kart Shuharta s primeneniem Mathcad I Matlab [Constructing Shewhart charts with Mathcad and Matlab]. Actual problems of technical sciences: materials of the III international scientific Conference (Perm, April 2015). Perm: Zebra Publ., 2015. 20—25. (In Russ.)
  7. Gyagyaeva A.G., Kozhanova E.R. Razrabotka programmnogo product dlya sostavleniya marshrutov gruzoperevozok na osnove algoritma Svira [Development of the software product for routing cargo on the basis of the Svir algorithm]. Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya severozapada Rossii [Bulletin of science and education of North-West Russia]. 2016. Vol. 2. No. 2. 37—44. (In Russ.)

Copyright (c) 2018 Gyagyaeva A.G., Kozhanova E.R.

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