Demographic development is one of the important elements of sustainable socio-economic development of the state (and its individual subjects) and at the same time a factor of its national security. The development of the Far East is a strategic priority for Russia in the 21st century, the main resource for which is human potential. Demographic policy in the Far East is aimed at stabilizing and increasing the population. The Far East is the most sparsely populated region of the Russian Federation. The average population density is 1.2 people per 1 sq. km. The region’s population is extremely uneven, partly due to the diff in climate in the north and south of the region. The highest density is more than 12 people per 1 sq. km in Primorsky Krai. The southern part of Sakhalin is quite densely populated. At the same time, in the Republic of Sakha, Magadan and Kamchatka regions, the population density is only 0.3…0.8 people per 1 sq. m. This study is aimed at analyzing the demographic development of the Far East. The importance of demographic processes is on a par with ensuring the necessary rates of economic growth and, on this basis, raising the living standards of the population, and ensuring security-related issues. The demographic situation in the Russian Far East continues to be determined by: low birth rate, high mortality, natural population decline, rapid aging of the population, shorter life expectancy than in Russia as a whole, and a steady outfl of the population to the western regions of the country and abroad. One of the demographic components that infl the reproduction of the population in the macroregion and its dynamics is migration as a process of territorial movement of the population. The demographic situation in the Far East has always been largely determined by migration processes, which previously were the source of formation of the size and composition of its population.