No 1 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 15
- URL:
Gosudarstvo i rynok: novoe protivostoyanie mirovomu finansovomu krizisu
The article is focused on the world economic crisis and role of the state in coping with its consequences, short term and long term perspectives for different countries to overcome the crisis, first of all the prospects for Russia. The subject is widely discussed not only among professional economists, it somehow effects the interests of many people.
The article includes analytical overview of the opinions of number of reputed experts, it also gives the author's own point of view on the causes and consequences of the crisis in Russia and on needed methods of state regulation, it contains comprehensive statistics.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):5-13

Russia's geopolitical situation in the light of economic modernization tasks
The steady extension of European Union, according to the opinion of the author, results in decreasing of the integration stability and its economic efficiency. Democracy decline in the contemporary world doesn't permit to consider European Union keep to the ascending trend either. At the same time, the axis of the world development is moving from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Under these circumstances the main defect of Russian geopolitical position is its extreme weakness particularly in the Far East region. This condition forces to one-sided orientation toward European Union model in the country modernization, though China, India, Japan and Five small dragons could be considered as the base of modernization too.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):14-22

The strategy of financing of investments in Russian energy market
This article is devoted to evaluation of financing strategies of investments in Russian energy market during its reform, i.e. its division into government-monopoly sector and competitive sector. The authors have discussed the main approaches to formation of financing strategies of investments, and done a comparative analysis of sources of financing in Russian and foreign energy companies in 2006-2007. They have also evaluated perspectives of attracting of various sources of financing in power generation companies and distribution grid companies. Analysis below examines perspectives of attracting various sources of financing in power generation and distribution grid companies.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):23-32

Start conditions for the development of innovative industry in Russia
The article deals with the current conditions - existing structure of property, existing order of transactions, existing relations between private business and bureaucracy - which determine the modern possibility of innovative development of industry in Russia and role of private business in this process. The main of poor development of mechanism of accumulation of resources on enterprise's level are identified. So as the volume of real modernization of industry. The different strategies for the intensifications of industrial development are examined and showed the important role of the government and the state corporations in the key branches of manufacturing of Russia of innovative technologies.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):33-40

The Eurasian Economic Community: stated plans and real prospects
The article touches upon the history of the foundation, gives a review of the basic documents and describes the institutional structure of the Eurasian Economic Community. It draws the conclusions of the possibility to meet goals proclaimed in charter, that are based on the figures of social-economic situation in the member-states. Special attention is paid to the statistics of trade development between the member-states as the main markers of mutual integration.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):41-51

Regionalization in terms of globalization: competitiveness factors of Central and East European countries
In the modern world economy regional integration is the mutually advantageous form of economic cooperation for the countries with different level of social and economic development. External economic links (and first of all trading ones) are the factors of EU regional unity and development. EU membership influence positively on the economy of all new member countries of the Union (Central and East European countries). It is reflected in the dynamics of the majority of economic indicators. The article is devoted to the analysis of competitiveness factors of these countries. Positive experience of mutual trade development in the EU can be used in our country in connection with the intentions of Russia and other CIS countries to create common free market zone on the post-Soviet territory.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):52-59

The methods of mortgage loan repayment modeling
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the methods of mortgage loan repayment modeling. The issues examined: base elements of a mortgage loan, interrelation of these elements and their influence on the value of payment and the total amount of the interest paid for a loan. The two most widely spread in Russia methods of mortgage loan repayment modeling are represented: annuity payments and variable (reducing) payments. The mathematical formulas deducted for calculating principal and interest payments in both methods. Special attention is paid to the issue of partial principal prepayment, its' influence on the structure and the amount of payment in the annuity payments method. The issues analyzed could be applied in the development of mortgage lending programs within credit organizations, and also could benefit to individual borrowers while choosing the optimal terms of a mortgage loan.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):60-69

Using the Pareto's principle in bank activity
One of the most important principles, which is successfully used in different branches of economic is Pareto's principle. Application of this principle, as a rule, increases the effectiveness of business. As it would be proved, Pareto's principle could be used by banks too, but there are some specific limitations, which mustn't be forgotten. The complex use of two, three or more recommendations, which are flowed from Pareto's principle, could reflect on the growth of effectiveness of banks' business.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):70-77

Management of financial flows of the vertically integrated corporate structures
According to activization of the commodity-money relations the special urgency is take on development of the concept of financial flows. To development of inter-economic communications and integral processes renders a plenty transformation processes and structural reorganizations connected to search of the most effective forms of organization of production and realization of produce. In conditions of market economy the effective management assumes optimization of resource potential of the enterprise. The financial flows criterion reflect levels of dynamism and content of the vertically integrated corporate structure, and also organizational and corporate specificity of self-organizing hierarchical system.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):78-86

Customer loyalty programmes: technologies of effective functioning
The dynamic development of goods and services market accompanied by standardization of offer, quality and price leads to the sharpening of competition in this sphere. This tendency strengthens the importance of new technologies aimed at building long-term customer relationships. The article considers peculiarities of loyalty programmes as one of the customer relationship management tools, it is also analyzes basic purchase motives and provides recommendations of using various customer loyalty building methods.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):87-94

Mei Moses Fine Art Price Index as a Tool of the American Art Market Future Returns' Prognoses
The history of the creation and main ideas of the construction of Mei Moses Fine Art Price Index, which is used for the US art-market analysis, low correlation of the art index with other assets are considered in the work. The values of Mei-Moses fine art index from 1875 to 1999 are given. Statistical data of annual returns and risks for different types of investments of the US financial market from 1955 to 2004 are given. The conclusion of the important role of the art investment as a way of the diversification of any port folio is made.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):95-102

Parameters of a condition and development of the human capital
In clause parameters of a status and development of the human capital are considered and analyzed. Dynamics of norms of feedback of private investments into the human capital is considered; the state of affairs in branches of manufacture of the human capital (education and public health services) is studied; analyzed the quality of the real level of education and health indicators. it is proved, that useful effect of the human capital, from a position of new quality of its maintenance, it is directed on fuller satisfaction of basic needs of the person providing its all-round development, and has close communication with the «internal» social environment of the person which is created owing to increase of efficiency of the human capital.
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):103-110

Second scientific conference «World and Russia: regionalism and globalization»
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):111-112

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):113-114

For the Authors of Vestnik PFUR, series Economics
RUDN Journal of Economics. 2009;(1):115-116