Foreign trade cooperation between Tajikistan and China: Assessment of the current state and prospects

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Research deals with the issues of trade cooperation between Tajikistan and China. In order to determine the place of China in the foreign trade turnover of Tajikistan, a general statistical analysis of trade cooperation between two countries is given. Changes in the dynamics and structure of the Tajik-Chinese trade since the first years of trade cooperation are presented and the main reasons for these changes are indicated. Based on the analysis of the export-import operations of two countries over the past few years, the main influencing factors on bilateral trade in goods were identified and the existing shortcomings were indicated. It is noted that, despite the inequality of economic opportunities and potential, China pays special attention to its neighbor and strives to improve trade and economic cooperation. It is shown that China, along with other major powers in the region, has managed to strengthen its position in the developing economy of Tajikistan. The purpose of this research is to analyze trade relations between Tajikistan and China, determine the importance of this cooperation for Tajikistan, identify the influencing factors and existing problems, the solution of which could improve this cooperation in the future. The theoretical basis for this study was the work of Tajik, Russian and other foreign authors on Tajik-Chinese trade cooperation. In conclusion, the ways of increasing Tajikistan’s exports are shown, which in the long term can change the dynamics and structure of Tajikistan’s trade with China and other countries.

About the authors

Gulsher A. Qalandarshoev

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1983-6361

PhD student, Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics

6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation


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