Human factor in the strategy of sustainable leadership of PJSC Gazprom
- Authors: Baranova N.M.1, Larin S.N.2
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the RAS
- Issue: Vol 28, No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 211-224
- Section: Questions of management and marketing
- URL:
- DOI:
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Gazprom’s human capital (as HDI) is one of the most important resources of the corporation, which ensures its competitive strength in the Russian and international energy market. One of the main goals of PJSC Gazprom is the formation of a highly professional, responsible and cohesive team that effectively develops projects and solves a variety of tasks not only at the corporate level, but the country and the world. Therefore, the assessment of PJSC Gazprom staff readiness for the competition of the corporation in the domestic and external markets is relevant. Modeling the level of development of the enterprise’s human capital, based on the example of Gazprom corporation, according to certain indicators, determining their role in the development and competitiveness of the organization. To conduct the study, the works of scientists were analyzed, official data of the annual reports on the activities of PJSC Gazprom in the field of sustainable development for 2000-2018 were used. In order to assess the readiness of the corporation's human capital to sustainable development of the enterprise, a regression analysis and an econometric study were carried out using the MS Excel and Eviews10 application software packages. As a result of the study, it was found that a positive corporate human capital has a significant impact on competitiveness and an increase in the company’s value and the constructed model for assessing company’s human capital, based on the example of PJSC Gazprom, enables to make a forecast for the near future. Russia has occupied 49 place in the World Ranking (HDI = 0.824) in 2019 in terms of the level of development of the human capital according to the World Bank and has got into a very high level of development. Despite this fact, Russian HDI in World Ranking occupies only 46% against 70% of developed countries. World Bank experts claims, it will take Russia about 100 years to catch up with developed countries on this indicator. Russia does not have that kind of time, so the country has actively joined on every front. Obviously, the human capital of each corporation makes a certain contribution to changing the human capital of the country in one direction or another, and the human capital of PJSC Gazprom is able to significantly increase this indicator.
About the authors
Nina M. Baranova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 1348-6462
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling, Faculty of Economics
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, 117198, Moscow, Russian FederationSergey N. Larin
Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the RAS
SPIN-code: 3956-1920
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Modeling Production Facilities and Complexes, Laboratory for Simulation of Interaction of Economic Objects
47 Nakhimovsky Ave, 117418, Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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