Tendencies and potential of formation of common gas market in EEU


The article discusses the relationship of the EEU member states in the gas sector. Based on the analysis of existing problems and contradictions, as well as the agreements reached in the EEU, an assessment is given of the prospects for the formation of a common gas market within the framework of a single economic space. The formation of a common gas market is seen as the key to ensuring its energy security and harmonious socioeconomic development of both suppliers and consumers of gas in EEU. The lack of a price model of the gas market, heterogeneity and incompatibility of the potential of national gas markets, the complexity of the unification of the rules of the market, export problems and other equally important issues determine the relevance of the study of the functioning and development of gas markets of the EEU member states. The aim of the work is to analyze and identify the main problems affecting the development of the gas industry in EEU. The results obtained in the course of the study suggest that the functioning of the common gas market of the EEU is possible in the conditions of achieving institutional homogeneity of national gas markets.

About the authors

Marina F. Tkachenko

Russian Customs Academy

Author for correspondence.
Email: marstav251280@gmail.com

Doctor of Economics, Head of Department of International Economic Relations, Associate Professor

4 Komsomolsky Ave., Lyubertsy, 140015, Russian Federation

Nelya I. Allaiarova

Russian Customs Academy

Email: allayarovan@yandex.ru

postgraduate student, Department of International Economic Relations

4 Komsomolsky Ave., Lyubertsy, 140015, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Tkachenko M.F., Allaiarova N.I.

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