Economic features and mechanisms of energy saving management in housing and utility sector

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The development of the national economy as a whole - the subjects and municipalities in particular-in conditions of limited financial subsidies depends on their economic condition, technological equipment, organization of measures to save energy resources. The housing and communal services sector, which has a high energy saving potential, accounting for about 70 % of the total energy efficiency potential in the Russian Federation, is currently one of the main consumers of energy resources of the Russian Federation. Cost optimization and cost reduction are the main tasks in improving the economic conditions for the development of housing and communal services and management of residential property complexes, some features of which will be considered in this paper. The main purpose of energy-saving measures in housing and communal services is to reduce costs and production costs and the cost of utilities, and as a result of reducing the level of utility bills for the owner in an apartment building. The segment of apartment buildings in housing and communal services is one of the most problematic, in terms of savings, as the main part of energy costs in it is aimed at providing hot water and heating. In the framework of this study, the results of the activities of one of the management companies of Saint Petersburg on the implementation of energy-saving measures are reflected.

About the authors

Natalia B. Safronova

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Institute of Sectoral Management

84 Vernadskogo Ave., bldg. 2, Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation

Alexey S. Budakov

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


M.A., Institute of Sectoral Management

84 Vernadskogo Ave., bldg. 2, Moscow, 119571, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Safronova N.B., Budakov A.S.

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