Future economic scenarios of Iran and Russia under sanctions and oil price shocks
- Authors: Rasoulinezhad E.1, Sabri P.1
- University of Tehran
- Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 479-491
- Section: Developed and developing countries economy
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/economics/article/view/23113
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2329-2019-27-3-479-491
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The two main current economic problems in Russia and Iran are Western sanctions and oil price spikes. On the one hand, the West introduced economic sanctions against these two countries, which affected the national economy of these two countries. On the other hand, since Iran and Russia are heavily dependent on revenues from oil exports, any sharp changes in world oil prices significantly affect the budgets of these two countries. Despite the implementation of the various strategies of the two countries against sanctions and the collision with oil price shocks, their economies are sensitive to these two hyper problems. The main goal of this work is to study probable scenarios for the future economies of Iran and Russia under the conditions of Western sanctions and oil price fluctuations. Our article shows that for the future economies of Iran and Russia there are four economic scenarios in the form of transformation of the economic structure, rapid economic growth, economic stagnation and economic crisis. In the first scenario, there is an increase in sanctions by the West and its allies against the economies of Iran and Russia, and on the other hand, the price of oil is increasing. This scenario is the most possible future for the economies of Russia and Iran. The second possible scenario for the future economies of Russia and Iran is the rapid economic development and economic growth that will arise as a result of a decrease in political tension with the West, which ended with the lifting of economic sanctions and rising world oil prices. The third option that can be foreseen for the future economies of Russia and Iran is economic stagnation, which will occur if the sanctions of the West and its allies are reduced and world oil prices are reduced again. The fourth possible scenario for the economies of Iran and Russia is an economic crisis. Such a scenario appears when the conflict with the West increases and global oil prices fall, resulting in a large-scale decline and as a result of the economic crisis for the future economies of Iran and Russia. By the way, these two economies must adapt to such unpredictable economic events. They can accelerate import substitution, multilateralism in the Eurasian region, and so on.
About the authors
Ehsan Rasoulinezhad
University of Tehran
Author for correspondence.
Email: e.rasoulinezhad@ut.ac.ir
Assistant Professor, Department of Russian Studies, Faculty of World Studies
213 Enghelab Sq., Tehran, 16517282, Islamic Republic of IranParisa Sabri
University of Tehran
Email: parisasabri6@gmail.com
Department of Russian Studies, Faculty of World Studies
213 Enghelab Sq., Tehran, 16517282, Islamic Republic of IranReferences
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