Deoffshorization of economy of the Russian Federation: evolution of approaches and main priorities of the present stage
- Authors: Smirnov E.N1
- State University of Management
- Issue: Vol 27, No 2 (2019)
- Pages: 353-365
- URL:
- DOI:
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In recent years in the Russian economy a number of actions for deoffshorization was held, in particular, there was developed a legislation on government procurement and also about activity of the controlled foreign companies. At the same time, there is a num- ber of the problems connected with improvement of an economic situation in the country, amnesty of the capital and further improvement of currency, customs and tax control. In the article are analysed the main directions of improvement of a regulatory framework of deoffshorization, feature of its development in the conditions of economic sanctions and also are proposed measures for improvement of deoffshorization taking into account increase in transparency of offshore schemes, extents of disclosure of tax information and improvement of investment climate of the country. The author came to a conclusion that it will be possible to speak about effective deoffshorization when the fiscal and monetary authorities will not proceed the policy at that business in our country is unprofitable and unprofitable. A barrier is also that in Russia there are no equal conditions of the competition in respect of conducting business activity to foreign countries. Therefore the policy deoffshorization has to be connected with creating favorable conditions for development of small and medium business.
About the authors
Evgenii N Smirnov
State University of Management
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Economic Theory and World Economy Department
99 Ryazansky prospect, Moscow, 109542, Russian FederationReferences
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