Symbolic (image) capital of Perm region cities: semantic approach to assessment of quality of the urban environment
- Authors: Stolbov V.A.1, Tezhikova E.Y.1
- Perm State University
- Issue: Vol 27, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 140-152
- URL:
- DOI:
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An important role in the development of the territory is the ability to identify its unique features and form a positive image of the place. Semantic analysis of urban space allows to solve the problem: to find attractive and unattractive features of the city and to give recommendations on creation of a unique brand of the territory. The study is based on the results of a survey of students of Perm universities: showing their attitude to a particular city and the idea of an ideal urban space. Opinions of respondents were distributed on a 3-point scale of diametrically opposite qualitative characteristics of the urban environment, for example, compact - extensive, bright - dim, etc. In addition, the population assessed the urbanized spaces of the Perm Territory on the basis of its cognitive perception by other senses (the categories “taste”, “color”, “sound”, “smell”). Semantic analysis allowed to form an idea about the cities of Perm Krai as relatively comfortable and positive, but not enough bright, clean, friendly and green places. Other parameters of the urban environment were identified, which made it possible to give recommendations on the formation of a favorable image (brand) of urban settlements in the Perm Territory. The attraction of the population to a much green, clean and quiet urban space demonstrates the trend of greening and ruralization of citizens. Semantic analysis allows to give a subjective assessment of the place and to indicate the prospects of increasing its symbolic capital, using diametrically opposed characteristics of the territory. A positive feature of the technique is the possibility of its application to each territory.
About the authors
Vyacheslav A. Stolbov
Perm State University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography
15 Bukireva St., bldg. 8, Perm, 614990, Russian FederationEkaterina Yu. Tezhikova
Perm State University
master of the 1st year of study at the Department of Socio-Economic Geography
15 Bukireva St., bldg. 8, Perm, 614990, Russian FederationReferences
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