Spectral properties of operators in the problem on normal oscillations of a mixture of viscous compressible fluids

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In this paper, we study a problem of normal oscillations of a homogeneous mixture of several viscous compressible fluids filling a bounded domain of three-dimensional space with an infinitely smooth boundary. Two boundary conditions are considered: the no-slip condition and the slip condition without shear stresses. It is proved that the essential spectrum of the problem in both cases is a finite set of segments located on the real axis. The discrete spectrum lies on the real axis, except perhaps for a finite number of complex conjugate eigenvalues. The spectrum of the problem contains a subsequence of eigenvalues with a limit point at infinity and a power-law asymptotic distribution.

About the authors

D. A. Zakora

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: dmitry.zkr@gmail.com
Simferopol’, Russia


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