Uniform Basis Property of the System of Root Vectors of the Dirac Operator

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We study one-dimensional Dirac operator L on the segment [0,π] with regular in the sense of Birkhoff boundary conditions U and complex-valued summable potential P=(pij(x)), i,j=1,2. We prove uniform estimates for the Riesz constants of systems of root functions of a strongly regular operator L assuming that boundary-value conditions U and the number ∫(p1(x)-p4(x))dx are fixed and the potential P takes values from the ball B(0,R) of radius R in the space Lϰ for ϰ>1. Moreover, we can choose the system of root functions so that it consists of eigenfunctions of the operator L except for a finite number of root vectors that can be uniformly estimated over the ball ∥P∥ϰ≤R.

About the authors

A M Savchuk

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: artem_savchuk@mail.ru
Moscow, Russia

I V Sadovnichaya

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Email: ivsad@yandex.ru
Moscow, Russia


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