On the Convergence Rate of Continuous Newton Method
- Authors: Gibali A.1, Shoikhet D.1, Tarkhanov N.2
- Ort Braude College
- University of Potsdam
- Issue: Vol 62, No (2016)
- Pages: 152-165
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/CMFD/article/view/32604
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In this paper, we study the convergence of continuous Newton method for solving nonlinear equations with holomorphic mappings in complex Banach spaces. Our contribution is based on a recent progress in the geometric theory of spirallike functions. We prove convergence theorems and illustrate them by numerical simulations.
About the authors
Aviv Gibali
Ort Braude College
Email: avivg@braude.ac.il
Karmiel, Israel
David Shoikhet
Ort Braude College
Email: davs@braude.ac.il
Karmiel, Israel
Nikolai Tarkhanov
University of Potsdam
Email: tarkhanov@math.uni-potsdam.de
Potsdam, Germany
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