Local and 2-Local Derivations of Locally Simple Lie Algebras
- Authors: Ayupov S.A.1, Kudaybergenov K.M.2, Yusupov B.T.2
- Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics
- Namangan State University
- Issue: Vol 68, No 1 (2022): Science — Technology — Education — Mathematics — Medicine
- Pages: 95-109
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/CMFD/article/view/30854
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2413-3639-2022-68-1-95-109
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In this paper, we study a two-state Hard-Core (HC) model with activity on a Cayley tree of order . It is known that there are , and such that
- for this model has a unique Gibbs measure , which is translation invariant. The measure is extreme for and not extreme for ;
- for there exist exactly three 2-periodic Gibbs measures, one of which is , the other two are not translation-invariant and are always extreme.
The extremity of these periodic measures was proved using the maximality and minimality of the corresponding solutions of some equation, which ensures the consistency of these measures. In this paper, we give a brief overview of the known Gibbs measures for the HC-model and an alternative proof of the extremity of 2-periodic measures for . Our proof is based on the tree reconstruction method.
About the authors
Sh. A. Ayupov
Romanovskiy Institute of Mathematics
Author for correspondence.
Email: rozikovu@yandex.ru
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
K. M. Kudaybergenov
Namangan State University
Email: rustam-7102@rambler.ru
Namangan, Uzbekistan
B. T. Yusupov
Namangan State University
Email: mmtmuxtor93@mail.ru
Namangan, Uzbekistan
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