Resolvent Approximations in L2-Norm for Elliptic Operators Acting in a Perforated Space

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We study homogenization of a second-order elliptic differential operator Aε = - div a(x/ε)∇ acting in an ε-periodically perforated space, where ε is a small parameter. Coefficients of the operator Aε are measurable ε-periodic functions. The simplest case where coefficients of the operator are constant is also interesting for us. We find an approximation for the resolvent (Aε + 1)-1 with remainder term of order ε2 as ε → 0 in operator L2-norm on the perforated space. This approximation turns to be the sum of the resolvent (A0 + 1)-1 of the homogenized operator A0 = - div a0 ∇, a0 > 0 being a constant matrix, and some correcting operator εCε. The proof of this result is given by the modified method of the first approximation with the usage of the Steklov smoothing operator.

About the authors

S. E. Pastukhova

Russian Technological University (MIREA)

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia


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