No 1 (2013)


Public-Private Partnership as Political Phenomenon: Perspectives of Adaptation of Successful Foreign Practices to the Russian Reality

Shulenina N.V., Vayas D.A.


Public-private partnership show great development in modern Russia. Since the technology of interaction between business and government came from abroad it requires detailed consideration of the successes and current practices in the modern world. It is particularly important to identify relationships between form of government and decision making, both for political and economic decisions, as in most cases, these factors have the strongest influence on the formation of public-private partnership as an institution of the modern political process in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Estimation Problems of the Migratory Potential of the Population

Zubarev Y.A.


The state policy in the region of control of the migratory processes of population must be intelligible to the citizens of the country and is directed toward reaching of positive results in the social, economic and other vitally important spheres of state. A new approach to the estimation of the migratory potential of the country and its components is proposed; such as migratory activity, migratory expectation and demographic factor. Formal approach for calculating the criteria indicated will make it possible to objectively estimate the level of the migratory potential of the country.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):15-21
pages 15-21 views

Bureaucracy in the Processes of Modernization: a Subject or a Barrier?

Ignatiev I.S.


The article tells about the role of the modern Russian public bureaucracy in the process of modernization and analyzes its possibility to speed the modernization up or to slow it down
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Chinese Political Strategy in East Asia. Part I

Barov S.A.


This article is devoted to the actual problem of transformation of foreign policy strategy of China in Eastern Asia during the last years. The main aspects of Chinese policy in the region are domination of economic approaches and practical embodiment of “soft power” concept. China seeks to transfer reviews about problematic points in economical interaction with the region`s countries and decisions about territorial disputes from the multilateral level to bilateral level, furthermore actively counteract to the policy of the USA and Japan, trying to make an “anti-sin coalition” from the perspective of institutional design within the political-military organization by the type of NATO.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):28-42
pages 28-42 views

Urban “Guerilla” in Latin America: “Tupamaros” and “Montoneros”

Kolarov G.I.


In the article there are analized the ideology and the military-political practice of the urban guerra de guerrillas in Latin America. This phenomenin appeared in the urbanized and industrial countries of the sub-continent — Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay. Typical representatives of urban guerra de guerrilas are the «Tupamaros» of Uruguay and the «Montoneros» of Argentina. The main ideologist of the movemant to this moment is brasilian Carlos Mariguella.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Syrian Gambit: a Clash of Interests in the Geostrategic Complex «Greater Middle East»

Sargon Haydaya -.


Syria was at the center of one of the geo-strategic complexes that have arisen as a result of the Cold War and the redistribution of global domination. Key characteristics of the political regime of Syria in the context of the contradictions between the global and regional political players in this important region of the world politics are closely monitored to many analysts, however, although these descriptions are valid to some extent, the Syrian regime is actually a mode of “nomenclature” that can not be reduced to any of the used stamps.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):50-59
pages 50-59 views

The Role of Central Asia in the World Political System “The Great Game” in Central Asia in 21 st Century

Egorov D.V.


The article is dedicated to the modern status of Central Asia in world politics in the context of the struggle of “great powers” for the influence in this region. The author emphasizes that it is necessary to include Central-Asian states to the Eurasian integration processes to avoid their transformation to the periphery of the world political system.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):60-67
pages 60-67 views

B. Spinoza’s Political Ideas in the Estimates of Soviet Social Scientists

Grachev M.N.


This article presents the analysis of the Soviet authors’ papers devoted to Spinoza’s theory of politics, state, and law, that were published in 1920—1960’s.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):68-83
pages 68-83 views

Conceptual Foundations Of Deliberative Democracy

Zolotareva E.V.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of theoretical foundations of deliberative model of democracy that is formed on the basis of synthesis of traditionally opposing approaches to research of democracy — liberal political philosophy (J. Rawls) and critical social theory (J. Habermas). Special attention is paid to the problems of testing of normative requirements to the public discourse as the basis of deliberative process.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):84-94
pages 84-94 views

XXII World Congress of International Political Science Organization in Spain: “Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries”

Irhin Y.V.


The article analyses the results of the work of XXII World Congress of International Political Science Association “Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries” in Spain, Madrid 8 to 12 July 2012. The author shows significance of the main theme of Congress. He describes the key problems and thesis, which were presented during the Madrid`s Congress: global reshape of power, shift boundaries, global identity, world crisis, “democratic deficit”, “governance”, democracy index. The author analyses the role of Russian political scientists in the work of the Congress.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):95-110
pages 95-110 views

The Study of Empire: from the Definitions and Conceptual Models to Identification of Paradigm

Shishkov V.V.


The article examines the origin and definition of the term “Empire”, analyses the conceptual model of the Empire established in the modern political science. The author justifies the category of “the paradigm of the Empire”, disclosed its value.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):111-118
pages 111-118 views

The Problem of Renovation of Power in Electoral Cycle: Sociocultural Factor, Innovative Aspect

Tyan V.V.


In the article there are considered the new approaches to the problem of updating of power in electoral cycle. The renovation of power in electoral cycle in a democratic society has a political-legal status.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):119-129
pages 119-129 views

Human Potential As The Resource Of Modernization

Matulis S.N.


The article is dedicated to problematic of human potential realization as the key requirement of carrying out of modern projects. The case studies are also included in order to demonstrate the necessity of synchronizing of all aspects of human capital between each other, and the necessity of taking them into account while planning transformations.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):130-136
pages 130-136 views

The Role of New Media in the Political Communication: Internet as an Instrument of Setting the New Agenda

Karpov P.N.


The author examines the Internet as a key element of the political communication system. He explored new trends and distinctive characteristics of this new form of ruling power: interactivity, hypertextuality, multimedia, packet communication, synchronization.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):137-149
pages 137-149 views

Political Communications: New Opportunities and Technologies

Opanasenko N.V.


The article is devoted to the research of the issues of the political communications. The main opportunities and technologies of mass media and communications use are considered. Much attention is paid to the further development of Internet as the means of influence on public opinion.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):150-155
pages 150-155 views

On Our Authors

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RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2013;(1):156-157
pages 156-157 views

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