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The subject of this study concentrates on the problematic of confronting modern Turkey with a terrorist threat. The nature of the subversive activities of combat groups in Turkey, the factors influ-encing the external environment and the internal political orientation, which have an impact on the counter-terrorism struggle in various regions of the Republic of Turkey, are considered in detail. In this work the author also touches upon the problem of transformation of the national protest counterculture in the context of the political course of the Justice and Development Party. The purpose of this study is to analyze the mechanisms and measures used by the entire institu-tional complex of the governmental bodies of the Turkish state at the present stage, whose functional, directly or indirectly, is focused around the task of combating terrorist threat. The use of institutional and system approaches promoted the achievement of the stated goal of the study and the successful resolution of the tasks assigned. As research methods, general and applied po-litical science principles were used, including content analysis of documents and synthesis of extracted information. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the range of measures and mechanisms used by the Turkish authorities to combat the terrorist and extremist element. A separate contribution to the development of the problems is presented by the structure of the profile law enforcement agencies responsible for the implementation of state tasks in this area and the classification of their functional responsibilities. This aspect of the research forms the basis for further development of the subject, for example, writing a comparative analysis of the work of Russian, American, European and Turkish approaches (at the institutional level) in the context of counter-terrorism activities. In addition, the focus of the study is the problem of using the mobilization of the Turkish population against the backdrop of combating the terrorist threat of the R.T. Erdogan regime to achieve their own narrowly focused interests, which can not always be called completely identical with the national ones. For example, the misuse of the “divided nation” factor (provoked by a false discourse about the associa-tion of a terrorist threat with the Kurdish problem in Turkey) as a mechanism for influencing the elec-torate in some election campaigns.

About the authors

V A Avatkov

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University)

Author for correspondence.
Email: v.avatkov@gmail.com

Avatkov Vladimir Alexeevich - PhD in Politics, Associate Professor of the Military Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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