Main trends of foreign policy of Georgia and some aspects of its cooperation with the People’s Republic of China

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The article considers the characteristics and key aspects of cooperation between Georgia and China. Is celebrating the success of these countries in the institutionalization of economic contacts, which is the core of Beijing's initiative to form a pool of around his project «Economic Zone - the new Silk Road». At the same time it emphasizes that the potential for cooperation between the Georgian and Chinese sides only just gaining a positive momentum. Its rapid development in the near future promises to change the configuration of some of Georgia's foreign policy doctrine, which is now fixed focus exclusively on the Western community of nations. The country of the Golden Fleece clearly looking for themselves the status of the main partner of China in the South Caucasus region. The most active participation of the Georgian side in the implementation of China's geo-economic models in the already foreseeable future promises to the official Tbilisi to make the issue of accession of Georgia to NATO and the EU is not as relevant as it is today. Georgia's foreign policy strategy will be influenced by agreements signed in the framework of the strategic partnership between China and Russia on the multi-vector model of transportation of goods and resources within the framework of the convergence of the Eurasian Economic Union and Silk Road Economic Belt.

About the authors

Beniamin Viktorovich Mailyan

Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University

Author for correspondence.

National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia


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