Interregional Partnership of Russia as a Tool of Realization of National Priorities of its Economic Development

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The analysis of interregional economic partnership existing simultaneously with the concept of traditional regionalism is proposed in the article. The cases of Trans-Pacific strategic economic partnership agreement (TPSEPA) which is created already for some decades; Transpacific agreement on strategic and economic partnership plan (2012), under which the US and the EU are going to form a Transatlantic FTA (TAFTA); initiative of Asia and Pacific countries (presented at the summit of these countries in 2012) to form a Regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP) are described. The case of BRICS is analyzed in details. The economic factors joining the countries - participants of the group are analyzed. The prospects of broadening of its partnership - with participation of economies of South America are highlighted. Russian external trade is touched by machinery production and accompanying services with the countries-partners mentioned. It’s shown that these economic relations can be used by Russia for solving of the tasks of substitution of import, neo-industrialization and export stimulating.

About the authors

E L Andreeva

Institute of Economics Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


A N Golovin

Ural Branch of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov


A V Ratner

Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences



Copyright (c) 2015 Andreeva E.L., Golovin A.N., Ratner A.V.

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