Electrical properties of engine cooling system antifreeze

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It can be shown that independently of the individual chemical compositions of coolants, they contain positively charged particles (ions). These are necessary to compensate for the negative charge of the metal surface due to the cathode and anode areas of corrosion in the engine cooling system. These particles can enter into a dense or diffuse part of the electrical double layer formed during the metal corrosion process.

About the authors

A A Khodyakov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: 4340212@mail.ru
Department of Motors Vehicles Operating Engineering Faculty

E J Fedosejenko

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: 4340212@mail.ru
Department of Motors Vehicles Operating Engineering Faculty

R Kh Aby-Nidzdim

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Email: 4340212@mail.ru
Department of Motors Vehicles Operating Engineering Faculty


Copyright (c) 2014 Ходяков А.А., Федосеенко Е.Ю., Абу-Ниджим Рамзи Хассан Юсеф R.K.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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