Smoothness of Generalized Solutions of the Second and Third Boundary-Value Problems for Strongly Elliptic Differential-Difference Equations

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In this paper, we investigate qualitative properties of solutions of boundary-value problems for strongly elliptic differential-difference equations. Earlier results establish the existence of generalized solutions of these problems. It was proved that smoothness of such solutions is preserved in some subdomains but can be violated on their boundaries even for infinitely smooth function on the right-hand side. For differential-difference equations on a segment with continuous right-hand sides and boundary conditions of the first, second, or the third kind, earlier we had obtained conditions on the coefficients of difference operators under which there is a classical solution of the problem that coincides with its generalized solution. Also, for the Dirichlet problem for strongly elliptic differential-difference equations, the necessary and sufficient conditions for smoothness of the generalized solution in Holder spaces on the boundaries between subdomains were obtained. The smoothness of solutions inside some subdomains except for ε-neighborhoods of angular points was established earlier as well. However, the problem of smoothness of generalized solutions of the second and the third boundary-value problems for strongly elliptic differential-difference equations remained uninvestigated. In this paper, we use approximation of the differential operator by finite-difference operators in order to increase the smoothness of generalized solutions of the second and the third boundary-value problems for strongly elliptic differential-difference equations in the scale of Sobolev spaces inside subdomains. We prove the corresponding theorem.

About the authors

D. A. Neverova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia


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