Study of Dagestan through the 9th-13th centuries Arabic sources in historiography of Russian and overseas scholars
- Authors: Gizbulaev M.A.
- Issue: Vol 12, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 399-411
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The article reviews main works of Russian and foreign authors devoted to the study of the history of medieval Dagestan based on Arabic sources of the 9th-13th centuries on a chronological basis. The Dagestan society political and social life, historical geography, islamization of the region were these and other questions under the focus of these scholars who had developed them on the basis of the in-depth study and knowledge of Arabic historical and geographical sources. The scientific novelty of the paper is determined by the fact that in this work a comparative study of the literature throughout the 19th and early 21st centuries, belonging to the Russian and foreign historiography on “Dagestan according to the Arab authors of the 9th-13th centuries”, is carried out. The material presented in the article makes it possible to see the source-study outcomes of scholars in studying the history of medieval Dagestan from early Arabic sources, and shows different aspects of the problem which need further development.
About the authors
Magomed A. Gizbulaev
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of History, Independent Researcher
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