No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 10
- URL:
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):5-

History of Filoi tou basileus in the Hellenistic monarchy
The article is devoted to the problem of filoi tou basileus in hellenistic times. The author demonstrates that this institution appeared in the Ptolemaic kingdom in the 4th century B.C. and was later accepted by the Seleucids. The main object of his analysis is the structure and functions of this institution before and after the transformation of the aulic titulature in the mid-second century B.C.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):6-25

The Counteraction of Conservatives and Liberals in the Ibero-American Historiography of XIX th Century
This article concerns the major trends of the ideological counteraction of the Conservatives and the Liberals in the historiography and the public opinion of the Ibero-America in the XIXth century. The author draws attention to the political platforms of the Liberals and the Conservatives, their attitude to the church, individual rights of the people, and the cultural and historical concepts of the future development of Ibero-America.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):26-35

The foreign policy of French Absolutism in the 1st half of the XVII century: striving for domination
This article concerns the main orientations of French foreign policy in the age of Henry IV, Richelieu, and Mazarin, who laid down the foundations of French power in Europe, which was the result of the struggle between the French monarchy and the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs. The new role of France in Europe was determined by its status as guarantor of the Westphalia Peace, which put an end to the the era of Hapsburg hegemony in European policy.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):36-49

The development of New Labour's Program of the Social Policy of Great Britain (90th XX century)
The article is about the development of New Labour's program of the social policy of Great Britain at the end of the 20th century as compared to the experience of Liberals, Traditional Labour and Conservatives. The article characterizes former Prime Minister (Tony Blair), who was the main idealogue of this social policy.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):50-62

Oil and the Deterioration of Soviet-Iranian Relations in the Early Phases of the Cold War: 1940-1950
The article deals with the question of the deterioration of Soviet-Iranian relations, the role Iranian oil played in this trend in the beginning of the «cold war» and US involvement in Iran. The author contends that Soviet claims to oil concessions in Northern Iran triggered the movement for the nationalization of the oil industry led by M. Mosaddegh.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):63-79

The Geopolitical Factor in the Integration of Mediterranean and Black Sea States: Problems and Perspectives
The article deals with the Mediterranean and Black Sea region, its place and role in international relations and world policy. Special attention is given to security problems, integration processes and the factors of stable development of the region.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):80-84

Our Outstanding Scholars: Professor Anatoliy Sergeevich Protopopov
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):88-93

Our autors
RUDN Journal of World History. 2009;(3):94-94