No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 9
- URL:
Editor’s note
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):5-8

Russia: Asia or Europe? Civilizational model in search of finding meaning
The article is devoted to finding self-identity of the Russian state. The author reflects on the relationship between the concepts despotism and democracy in historical perspective today. He tries to answer the question with any political model of Western or Eastern identifies the future of Russia.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):9-30

The problem of antimissile defense in the Russian-American relations in 2008–2011
In article the problem of antimissile defense in the Russian-American relations is considered in connection with an output the USA from the Contract on antimissile defense of 1972 and plans of creation of national and European system antimissile defense.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):31-39

By studying the history of ancient Egyptian monuments in private collections in Russia
The article is devoted to studying the history of the monuments in private collections of ancient Egyptian art in Russia. In modern conditions of a specific competition and the negative attitude of the museum community to private collectors is especially important to pay attention to the history of the formation of the material base of the collections of ancient Egyptian monuments in the Russian museums and indicate the important role of collectors in the history of the formation and development of domestic Egyptology.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):40-47

Theoretical base to antique history in work Walter Moyle (1672–1721)
Reasons of the address are considered at article to antique themes, political and theoretical bases of the interpretations to antique history at the end XVII – begin XVIII age, on base of the analysis of the works English historian Walter Moyle. At the beginning initially XVIII attention in political pamphlet and history is carried all more on condition society and all concentrate on action «tyrant» or shame rulers less. The Problem to corruptions, from problem philosophical gradually and moral, to condition of the political struggle received the political colouration. In these condition, the interest to antique history has gained not only edigying-moral, but also political meaning.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):48-56

Mirrors as a source on the history contacts of Central Asia with China in ancient and medieval times
Chinese mirrors give important material on the history of foreign relations in Central Asia between the II BC till the start of the XIII century. Mirrors are one of the most popular items of Chinese imports into Central Asia from the beginning of the Silk Road. The large number of mirrors in the monuments of this region suggests a large scale penetration of Chinese culture.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):57-92

Commercial Activity of Caucasus’ Towns in the Abbasid Caliphate
This article is dedicated to the commercial links of the Caucasian towns that were conquered by the Arabs and became a part of the Abbasid Caliphate (750–1258) and to their great role as the mediators in the Arabs’ trade with the northern countries such as Russia, Scandinavia and the towns of the Volga River basin. Geographic position of the Caucasus on the crossroads of Europe and Asia determined its economic and political importance for the Arab Caliphate that was striving for control over such popular trade routes as Volga-Caspian and a branch of a well-known rout «from Varangians to Greeks» called «from Varangians to Arabs». The period of the Arab rule over the Caucasus is also characterized by the introduction of the brand new socio-economic institutions developed in the central parts of the Caliphate.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):93-103

The concept of continuity of the Byzantine city in the works of L. Kurbatov
G.L. Kurbatov had the opinion that some of the cities which existed only as the ancient cities with the decline of ancient society, were doomed to extinction. Feudal city was born more under the influence of the new economic conditions. In the existence of the feudal cities, a major role has played its forming and his developing as the center of trade and handicrafts.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):104-113

Our authors
RUDN Journal of World History. 2012;(4):114-114