No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Editor's note
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):5-6

Differences in the Concept of the Third Way between the West and the East
The article deals with the theoretical aspects of social and economic imperatives of the Third Way. The author compares the concepts of the political and legal doctrine of solidarism in the West (L. Duguit) with theory and practice of civil society building in the East (A. Sukarno, M. Qaddafi).
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):7-25

Concept of Civilization in the works of I. D. Kovalchenko
The article deals with the discussions on the concepts of «formation» and «civilization» historical methods among the Soviet and Russian scholars, that took place in late 1980th and 1990th. The position of eminent Russian historian on this subject is studied.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):26-39

Establishment of the Trade Relations between the Soviet Union and the States of the Arabian Peninsula
The article deals with the problem of the establishment and development of the commercial and political relations between the Soviet Union and the states of Arabian Peninsula in the 1920-1930's. Soviet Union was the first country to establish full diplomatic relations with Hijaz (the name of the Saudi state until 1932). However, relations cooled later on due to the reaction of the Western countries, especially Great Britain.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):40-53

The Role of the Catholic Church in the System of Governance of the French Caribbean Colonies (XVII-XVIII centuries)
The French colonies in the Caribbean were torn apart by the most acute social and ethnic contradictions between merchants and planters, slaveholders and slaves, white, black and mixed population throughout the XVII-XVIII centuries. This article analyzes the contribution of the Catholic Church and the monastic orders in the management of such disparate societies.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):54-64

Penetration of Chinese Material Culture to the Eastern Aral Sea region in Pre-Mongol period
The article deals with the influence of the Chinese civilization on the peoples of Eastern Aral Sea region. The artifacts found in different places proved that the imitation or adoption of some features of culture - arts, crafts, clothes, food, dwelling etc. - took place. In most cases ornamental decoration were identical to the Chinese samples: images of animals and birds on clothes, bronze handicrafts and paintings on vessels.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):65-74

Student Activism in China in the 1980s: Radicalization of Protests under the Higher Education Reform
The article elaborates on the key reasons, caused the development of student activism in China in 1980s, and establishes the connection between student protests and the reform of higher education. The conflict between the theory and practice of the reform facilitated the growth of student protests, while the absence of reform deepening brought about the radicalization of student demands.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):75-83

Main Stages of Cooperation between China and the Arab states of the Middle East in 1980-2010
The article describes the stages of China's cooperation with Arab countries of the Middle East in 1980-2010. The evolution of PRC's Middle Eastern strategy in the context of internal of domestic processes of political change is examined. The attention is paid on China's cooperation with the Arab states in the field of economics, education and mass media.
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):84-93

Pages from the life of the Universal History Department: A. Maslov - the Head of the Department (1997-2008)
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):94-104

Our authors
RUDN Journal of World History. 2011;(4):105-106