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The article is devoted to a historical review of the ideological conditions of Serbian-Russian relations in the period from the 19th to the 21st centuries. The author gives a retrospective of the main ideologies which are signifi cant for the development of Serbian-Russian relations in this period, and also analyzes their infl uence on the relationship between these two countries.The subject of the study are the ideological conditions for the formation and development of Serbian-Russian relations.The aim of the study is to fi nd out the ideological foundations of the Serbian-Russian relations in the last three centuries. In this regard, the following task is supposed to be solved: to make an analysis of political and cultural-ideological factors.The author comes to the conclusion that different ideologies consistently in their own way infl uenced the formation and development of Serbian-Russian socio-political ties and relations within the period of the last three centuries.

About the authors

Indiana Pejic

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Department of Theory and History of International Relations

Author for correspondence.

Пеич Индиана - аспирант кафедры теории и истории международных отношений Российского университета дружбы народов.

10/2 Miklukho-Maklay St., Moscow, Russia, 117198


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