Lord Mountbatten - the last viceroy of British India (An attempt of reconstruction of transition period from the British Empire into the New Commonwealth of Nations)

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After the WWII the British Empire suffered a crucial period of time. The national-liberation movement undermined the political rule of England in British India and put forward a lot of great political figures. Among them was lord Mountbatten - a legendary commander in the British Navy, a skillful political negotiator, and the last Viceroy of British India, negotiating Indias independence from Britain, partition of the country, and later met a tragic death when his boat was bombed by the IRA.

About the authors

V M Zabolotny

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

Email: za_vas@mail.ru
Кафедра всеобщей истории; Российский университет дружбы народов; Peoples Friendship University of Russia




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