- Авторы: Иванов В.Н.1
- Выпуск: № 4 (2009)
- Страницы: 19-21
- Раздел: Статьи
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/structural-mechanics/article/view/12839
Полный текст
The rezulting Equations of membrane theory
of shells in the form of dupen's surfaces
Ivanov V.N.
The paper is considered the differential equations of equilibrium of membrane theory of shells in the form of Dupin's surfaces. It is shown that the geometrical characteristics of the Dupin's surfaces allows to reduce the system of tree equation of equilibrium to one resulting equation of second order. It may be done using stress function or excluding two of the unknowns. Four types of resulting equations are received.
of shells in the form of dupen's surfaces
Ivanov V.N.
The paper is considered the differential equations of equilibrium of membrane theory of shells in the form of Dupin's surfaces. It is shown that the geometrical characteristics of the Dupin's surfaces allows to reduce the system of tree equation of equilibrium to one resulting equation of second order. It may be done using stress function or excluding two of the unknowns. Four types of resulting equations are received.
Список литературы
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