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Experimental approach of parametrization of three-dimensional bodies and thin-walled elements of structures of complex geometry is considered Algorithm for constructing a spa- tial network, as well as determining the coordinates, components of the metric tensor and Christoffel symbols are given. Efficiency of modeling elements of complex geometry by a spline version of the finite element method is discussed

About the authors


IME, Kazan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.

Сandidate of technical Sciences, Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (IME), Kazan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. Sphere of scientific interests: mechanics of thin-walled structures, mechanics of films and membranes, composite structures, adhesion, corrosion,

Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Лобачевского, 2/31


IME, Kazan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences


Сandidate of technical Sciences, IME, Kazan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. Sphere of scientific interests: mechanics of thin-walled structures, mechanics of films and membranes, Stability of objects, life safety

Республика Татарстан, Казань, Лобачевского, 2/31


IME, Kazan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences


doctor of technical Sciences, professor, member- correspondent of the Russian Academy of engineering, chief researcher, head of laboratory of Nonlinear mechanics of shells, IME, Kazan Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. Sphere of scientific interests: mechanics of thin-walled structures of complex geometry; films and membranes, corrosion, finite element method, construction and engineering design

Республика Татарстан, Казань, Лобачевского, 2/31


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Copyright (c) 2017 YAKUPOV S.N., NURULLIN R.G., YAKUPOV N.M.

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