Family values in the world religious confessions and their influence on the Russian family

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The article considers family values from the standpoint of traditional religious confessions, the cultural-forming factors within the country, and the external values’ influence that affect the population worldview. The author believes that the problems relevant to the contemporary European family are partly typical for the Russian family or will become such in the near future. However, due to the peculiarities of culture and religious history of Russia, which formed a specific type of general worldview, not all Western values become an essential part of Russian culture, in particular those related to the family, marriage, and marital relations. The article considers the nature of the influence of both European and Oriental cultures on the Russian family values and the prospects for their future. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the trends in the perception of the family and family values in the main religious confessions present in Russia and in the neighboring countries. The article also presents the results of the sociological studies of the Russian youth structure of values, including the author’s research in the Perm region in 2014. The article presents an attempt to analyze the influence of religious beliefs on the value orientations of the contemporary society and the culture, and to predict their future.

About the authors

E O Tarasova

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Author for correspondence.

Sociology and Political Science Chair


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