Adaptive practices of healthcare workers under the reforms

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The theory of high modernism and the concept ‘metis’ by J. Scott identify one of the reasons for unsuccessful state reform in various areas: when preparing changes, local practical experience is often neglected, but the success of the reform as a whole may depend exactly on such knowledge. The system ignores the possible strategies of workers’ resistance to the coming changes, many of which are unconscious. The reforms in the field of healthcare, including in Russia, have shown that doctors remain the most vulnerable group affected by changes. A side effect of the ongoing reforms is the development by the professional community of doctors of certain adaptive practices aimed at adaptation to changes with the least losses for the individual and professional activity. To identify the adaptive practices of medical workers in response to the reforms and their consequences, the authors examined the available data and conducted interviews with doctors of various specialties. As a result, adaptive practices of doctors in their professional activities were systematized, and their classification was proposed: deviant/non-deviant and active/passive. Active adaptive practices prevail and are implemented in three subsystems: doctor-administration, doctor-doctor and doctor-patient. Most doctors tend to accept changes that involve adding new practices rather than changes removing traditional practices. All respondents positively assessed new technologies, but negatively assessed rigid standards that limit their professional freedom. The development of adaptive practices depends on various factors - gender, age, length of service, specialization, position. Such practices help doctors to keep the habitual way of professional life and to adapt to new working conditions.

About the authors

L. V. Temnova

Lomonosov Moscow State University


доктор психологических наук, профессор кафедры современной социологии

Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia

E. G. Bapinaeva

Institute of Sociology RAS

Author for correspondence.

менеджер клиентского отдела Лаборатории социологической экспертизы

Shosse Entuziastov, 34, Moscow, 105118, Russia


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