Терминологическая сумятица в новом лингвистическом ракурсе: метаязык контактной вариантологии



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В статье рассматриваются основные принципы контактной вариантологии как социолингвистической дисциплины и некоторые неоднозначные термины, возникшие в связи с глобальным распространением английского языка (региональные варианты английского языка, международный английский язык, английский язык как международный, английский как лингва франка). Концепты, стоящие за данными терминами, представляют идеологически разные подходы к статусу и функциям английского языка.

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Зоя Григорьевна Прошина

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова

Email: proshinazoya@yandex.ru
Кафедра теории преподавания иностранных языков Факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения

Список литературы

  1. Firth J.R. Descriptive linguistics and the study of English // Selected papers of J.R. Firth, 1952-1959 / F.R. Palmer (ed.). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1956. P. 96-113. Reprinted: World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. / K. Bolton and B.B. Kachru (eds.) Vol. 3. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. P. 203-217.
  2. Braj B. Kachru: a biographical sketch // World Englishes. 1992. Vol. 11 (2/3). P. 91-94.
  3. Kachru B. An analysis of some features of Indian English: a study of linguistic method. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Edinburgh, 1961.
  4. Kachru B. Indian English: a study in contextualization // C.E. Bazell, J.C. Catford, M.A.K. Halliday, and R.H. Robins (eds). In memory of J.R. Firth. London: Longman, 1966. P. 257-287.
  5. Kachru B. The Indianization of English: the English language in India. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.
  6. Джусупов М. Современный русский литературный язык. Инвариант и вариации // Филологические науки. 2013. № 2. С.16-29. [Dzhusupov M. Sovremenny russkiy literaturny yazyk. Invariant i variatsii // Filologicheskiye nauki. 2013. № 2. S.16-29.]
  7. Kachru B. Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism // English in the World: Teaching and Learning the Language and Literatures / R. Quirk and H.G. Widdowson (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. P. 11-30.
  8. Качру Б.Б. Мировые варианты английского языка: агония и экстаз // Личность. Культура. Общество, 2012. Т. XIV. Вып. 4 (75-76). С. 145-164. [Karchu B.B. Mirovye variant angliyskogo yazyka: agoniya i ekstaz // Lichnost. Kultura. Obschestvo, 2012. T. XIV. Vyp. 4 (75-76). S. 145-164.]
  9. Schneider E. The dynamics of New Englishes: from identity construction to dialect birth // Language, 2003. Vol. 79 (2). P. 233-281.
  10. Шнайдер Э. Модели развития английского языка: сходные или различные? // Личность. Культура. Общество, 2012. Т. XIV. Вып. 3 (73-74). C. 189-203. [Schneider E. Modeli razvitiya angliyskogo yazyka: skhodnye ili razlichnye? // Lichnost. Kultura. Obschestvo, 2012. T. XIV. Vyp. 3 (73-74). C. 189-203.]
  11. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. Cambridge: CUP, 1995. Bussman H. Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1996.
  12. Kachru B. American English and other languages // Language in the USA / C. Ferguson, S. Heath (eds.). Cambridge, a. o.: Cambridge University Press, 1981 [1982] - Reprinted: Landmarks of American Language and Linguistics / D. Byrd, N. Bailey, M. Gillermon (eds.). Vol. 2. Washington, D.C.: Office of Language Programs, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, US Department of State. P. 272-291.
  13. Seidlhofer B. Understanding English as a Lingua Franca. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
  14. Standards of English: Codified Varieties Around the World / R. Hickey (ed.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
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  16. Словарь социолингвистических терминов / под ред. В.Ю. Михальченко. М.: ИЯ РАН, ИИЯ РАЛН, 2006. [Slovar sotsiolingvisticheskikh terminov / pod red. V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. M.: IYa RAN, IIYa RALN, 2006].
  17. Macquarie Concise Australian Dictionary. 6th ed. Sydney: Macquarie Library, 2013.
  18. Orsman H. The Dictionary of New Zealand English: A Dictionary of New Zealandisms on Historical Principles. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
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  20. Branford J. A Dictionary of South African English. Cape Town: Oxford University Press, 1978.
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  22. Oupuk D. South African Concise Oxford Dictionary. Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa, 2010.
  23. Igboanusi H. A Dictionary of Nigerian English Usage. Ibadan, Nigeria: Enicrownfit Publ., 2002.
  24. Blench R., Dendo M. A Dictionary of Nigerian English. Cambridge, 2005. URL: http://www.rogerblench.info/Language/English/Nigerian%20English%20Dictionary.pdf.
  25. Dolan T. A Dictionary of Hiberno-English. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2006.
  26. Bautista M.L., Gamos A.E. A Dictionary of Philippine English. Pasig City: Anvil Publ., 1995.
  27. Allsopp R., and Allsopp J. Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  28. Holm J. and Shilling A.W. Dictionary of Bahamian English. Cold Spring, NY: Lexik House, 1982.
  29. Cassidy F.G., and LePage R.B. Dictionary of Jamaican English. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
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  32. Fee M. and McAlpine J. Guide to Canadian English Usage. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press Canada, 2011.
  33. Sey K.A. Ghanaian English: An Exploratory Survey. London: Macmillan, 1973.
  34. Mehrotra R.R. Indian English: Texts and Interpretation. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1998. Singapore English: A grammatical description / L. Lim (ed.). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2004.
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  36. Sedlatschek A. Contemporary Indian English: Variation and change. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2009.
  37. Stanlaw J. Japanese English: Language and Culture Contact. Hong Kong University Press. 2004.
  38. Bolton K. Chinese Englishes. A Sociolinguistic History. Cambridge: CUP, 2006.
  39. Xu Zhichang. Chinese English. Features and Implications. Open University of Hong Kong Press, 2010.
  40. Crystal D. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  41. Trudgill P. and Hannah J. International English. A Guide to the Varieties of Standard English. 3d edn. London, New York, Sydney, Auckland: Edward Arnold, 1994 (1982).
  42. Honna N. English as an International Language. Tokyo: ALC Press, 2005.
  43. English as an International Language: Perspectives and Pedagogical Issues / Farzad Sharifian (ed.). Bristol, Buffalo, Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 2009.
  44. English as an International Language in Asia: Implications for Language Education / A. Kirkpatrick and R. Sussex (eds). Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2012.
  45. Quirk R. International communication and the concept of nuclear English // English for International Communication / C. Brumfit (ed.). Oxford, etc.: Pergamon Press, 1982. P. 15-28.
  46. Jenkins J. The Phonology of English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
  47. Jenkins J. World Englishes. London and New York: Routledge, 2003.
  48. Grzega J. Globish and Basic Global English (BGE): Two Alternatives for a Rapid Acquisition of Communicative Competence in a Globalized World? // Journal for EuroLinguistiX, 2006. № 3. P. 1-13.
  49. Nerriere J.-P., Hon D. Globish the World Over. International Globish Institute, 2009. McCrum R. Globish. How the English Language Became the World's Language. Penguin Books, 2010.
  50. Kachru B. Regional norms for English // Initiatives in Communicative Language Teaching / S.J. Savignon and M.S. Berns (eds.). Reading: Addison-Wesley Company, 1984. P. 55-78: Reprinted: World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. / K. Bolton and B.B. Kachru (eds.). Vol. 3. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. - P. 434-455.
  51. Kachru Y. World Englishes and rhetoric across cultures // Asian Englishes, 2001. Vol. 4 (2). P. 54-67.
  52. Strevens P. What is “Standard English”? // Readings in English as an International Language / L.E. Smith (ed.). Oxford, New York, Toronto, a.o.: Pergamon Press, 1983. P. 87-93.
  53. Мацуда А. «Английский язык как международный»: пересмотр основ преподавания английского языка // Личность. Культура. Общество, 2012. Т. XIV. Вып. 2 (71-72). C. 177-187. [Matsuda A. “Angliyskiy yazyk kak mezhdunarodny”: peresmotr osnov prepodavaniya angliyskogo yazyka // Lichnost. Kultura. Obschestvo, 2012. T. XIV. Vyp. 2 (71-72). S. 177-187.
  54. McKay S. Teaching English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
  55. Melchers G., Shaw P. World Englishes. London: Arnold, 2003.
  56. Kirkpatrick A. World Englishes: Implications for International Communication and English Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  57. Proshina Z. The ABC and controversies of World Englishes. Хабаровск: ДВИИЯ, 2007. Available at: http://proshinazoyag.weebly.com.
  58. Seargeant P. Exploring World Englishes. Language in a global context. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, 2012.
  59. The Handbook of World Englishes / B. Kachru, Y. Kachru, C. Nelson (eds.). Malden, MA, USA: Oxford, UK: Carlton, Victoria, Aystralia: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006.
  60. World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics / K. Bolton and B.B. Kachru (eds.). Vol. 1-6. London and New York: Routledge, 2006.
  61. The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes / A. Kirkpatrick (ed.). London and New York: Routledge, Francis and Tailor, 2010.
  62. Nelson C.L. Intelligibility in World Englishes. Theory and Application. New York and London: Routledge, 2011.
  63. Abbot G. Editorial // World Language English, 1981. Vol. 1. No.1. P. 1-2.
  64. Kachru B., Smith L. Editorial // World Englishes, 1985. Vol. 4 (2). P. 210.
  65. Davis D.R. The inclusivity of world Englishes. Presidential address at the Cebu Parklane Hotel, Cebu City, Philippines, on October 22, 2009, at the 15th annual meeting of the IAWE // World Englishes, 2010. Vol. 29 (1). P. 21-26.
  66. Van Rooy B. Social and linguistic perspectives on variability in world Englishes. Presidential Address delivered at the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, on December 4, 2008, at the 14th annual meeting of the International Association for World Englishes // World Englishes, 2010. Vol. 29 (1). P. 3-20. Firth A. Lingua franca’ negotiations: Towards an interactional approach // World Englishes, 1990. Vol. 9 (3). P. 269-280.
  67. Firth A. The discursive accomplishment of normality. On “lingua franca” English and conversation analysis // Journal of Pragmatics, 1996. № 26. P. 237-259.
  68. Droschel Y. Lingua Franca English. The Role of Simplification and Transfer. Bern, Berlin a.o.: Peter Lang, 2011.
  69. Cogo A. and Dewey M. Analysing English as a Lingua Franca: A Corpus-driven Investigation. London-New York, 2012.
  70. Seidlhofer B. Closing a Conceptual Gap: the case for a description of English as a lingua franca // International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2001. Vol. 11 (2). P. 133-158.
  71. Prodromou L. English as a Lingua Franca. A Corpus-based Analysis. London, New York: Continuum, 2008.
  72. Schneider E. Exploring the interface between World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition - and implications for English as a Lingua Franca // Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 2012. Vol. 1 (1). P. 57-91.
  73. Jenkins J. English as a Lingua Franca: Attitude and Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  74. Berns M. English as lingua franca and English in Europe // World Englishes, 2009. Vol. 28 (2). P. 192-199.
  75. Pakir A. English as a lingua franca: analyzing research frameworks in international English, world Englishes, and ELF // World Englishes, 2009. Vol. 28 (2). P. 224-235.

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