Turbosite as a tool to develop a multimedia training manual of lexicographical (dictionary) type on teaching Russian gestures

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The units of non-verbal language and the rules for their use should become the same object of study as the norms and rules of verbal language. The necessity of teaching a non-verbal language within the framework of the socio-cultural adaptation of foreigners studying Russian at the preparatory faculties of Russian universities is substantiated. A dictionary-type multimedia textbook can be an effective tool for teaching non-verbal communicative behavior. The main advantage of this book lies in the ability to create a Russian-speaking learning environment with a visual presentation of information. Due to its versatility, the multimedia textbook is both a reference publication and a tool for developing the communication skills of foreign students, which allows you to simultaneously solve the issues of adapting foreign phones in the Russian socio-cultural environment.

About the authors

Gulnaz S. Nizamutdinova

Bashkir State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: gul2886@yandex.ru
Additional Education Teacher (teacher of Russian as a foreign language) of Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens, Institute of Continuing Education 33 Zaki Validi St, Ufa, Russian Federation, 450076


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Copyright (c) 2022 Nizamutdinova G.S.

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