No 3.1 (2010)

Cover Page

Potentials for a Linearized Kawahara Equation

Kuvshinov R.V.


Properties of special solutions of potential type for a linearized Kawahara equation in a half-strip are studied.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):5-16
pages 5-16 views

The Construction a Group of Simmetries and the Recursion Operator for Differential Difference Operators with Partial Derivitives

Kolesnikova I.A.


The group of symmetries for given differential difference operator. The problem of finding out of the recursion operator for given differential difference operator with partial derivitives is considered.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):17-22
pages 17-22 views

A Variant of the Banach-Stone for Banach Bundles

Pliev M.A., Tabuev S.N.


We consider Banach spaces continuous sections when every fiber is Banach lattice. A some versions of the Banach-Stone theorem was obtained.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):23-27
pages 23-27 views

On Several Properties of The Solutions of One LinearHomogenous System of Differential Equations

Sahakyan G.G.


The properties of the zero component solutions of one homogenous linear system of differential equations in case of sign constant coefficients are considered in the work.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):28-33
pages 28-33 views

Stationary Characteristics of the Multichannel Queuewith FCFS Orbit And Threshold Control

Efrosinin D.V.


In the paper we deal with a Markovian queueing system with heterogeneous servers and constant retrial rate. The system operates under a threshold policy. The system is described by quasi-birth-and-death process with infinitesimal matrix depending on the threshold levels. Using a matrix-geometric approach we perform a stationary analysis of the system, derive expressions for the mean performance measures and formulas for optimal threshold levels.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):34-46
pages 34-46 views

PlaybackModel for Broadcast Television Channels in P2P Networks

Adamu Aminu -., Gaidamaka Y.V., Samouilov A.K.


In this paper, we introduce a closed queueing network model with a single customer to analyze the behavior of a peer in P2P streaming systems. Then we use the passage to the limit when the number of peers approaches infinity in a closed queueing network model with limited population to analytically study the performance of multi-channel P2P streaming systems with the isolated channel (ISO) streaming design. The product-form solution for steady state probabilities and the expressions for the probability of universal streaming for a channel were derived. Some calculations for both models (when the number of peers is limited and when the number of peers approaches infinity) were conducted.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Recursive Algorithm for Calculating Blocking Probabilities in Multiservice Loss Network with Multicast Traffic

Plaksina O.N., Samouylov A.K.


We consider a model of a single-link network serving multicast traffic. A recursive algorithm for computing blocking probabilities and other characteristics is given. It is also shown that the inaccuracy of computing blocking probabilities for multicast traffic with the use of Kaufman-Roberts recursive formula is unacceptable.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):54-60
pages 54-60 views

Recursive Solution for the Conditionality Problem

Savinitch, L.V., Stefanuk V.L.


The paper continues the research of the methods of formalization of natural language texts with the goal to represent the texts as collections of strict logical rules suitable for use in expert systems. Using regulation character texts with their typological peculiarities the syntactic structure of a phrase is analyzed with respect to its semantics.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):61-68
pages 61-68 views

Propagation of ElectromagneticWave Through Diffraction Structures

Khokhlov A.A.


The problem of propagation of a plane monochromatic linearly polarized electromagnetic wave through a piecewise homogeneous dielectric structure (diffraction grating) without absorption, the characteristic dimensions of inhomogeneities is comparable with the wavelength of optical radiation or less than it. The problem is solved for the polarization. The case of conical diffraction is described, also the problem is formulated in the case of a lattice of optically anisotropic material.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):69-78
pages 69-78 views

On Constructions Earthquake Resistance Modeling

Karnilovich S.P., Lovetskiy K.P., Sevastianov L.A., Shchesnyak E.L.


In the paper we discuss the influence of forcing oscillations of a construction's support during earthquake on oscillations of a construction itself in case of the simplest mathematical models with respect to subsequent computer realization.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):79-81
pages 79-81 views

A Logical Analysis of the Two Widely Spread Misinterpretations of the Well EstablishedResults of the Special Theory of Relativity

Davidovic D.M., Nadderd L., Stankovic S.


By a rigorous logical analysis we show that the Ehrenfest paradox related to the relativistically rotating disc is not a paradox of the Special Theory of Relativity as it is usually treated in the literature because, as we proved rigorously, it does not follow from the principles of the Special Theory of Relativity but - contrary to this - contradicts them. We also analyse the logical status of the widely spread statement "moving clocks go slow" within the framework of the Special Theory of Relativity. Using the methods of the symbolic logic we show that this statement with correct interpretation of the meaning of the notion that the clock goes slow is, strictly speaking, at least misleading. We discuss the obtained results.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Physics of Non-Inertial Reference Frames and Quantum Mechanics

Kamalov T.F.


The present model with higher time derivatives of coordinates is based on generalization of Newton's classical laws onto special class of arbitrary reference frames (both inertial and non-inertial ones) with body dynamics being described by higher order differential equations. Higher order derivatives could complement classical and quantum descriptions of physical reality as non-local hidden variables.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):88-93
pages 88-93 views

Two Approaches to Quantum Generalization of Thermodynamics

Golubjeva O.N., Sukhanov A.D., Umanskaja Z.V.


For the describing of a system under the combined quantum and thermal influences, it is offered two approaches each of them is a thermofield analogue of Clausius'classical and Einstein's statistical thermodynamics accordingly. We call them as Thermofield Thermodynamics and Thermofield Statistical Thermodynamics. We start from the thermofield vacuum and make a consent between basic notions of the quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. We suppose to consider the thermofield vacuum as an effective thermobath and ground stationary state as an thermal equilibrium state. On this ground we introduce such notions as effective temperature and effective entropy and get possibility to describe systems under combined quantum and thermal influences.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):94-97
pages 94-97 views

Kuryshkin-Wodkiewicz QuantumMeasurement Model

Zorin A.V., Sevastianov L.A.


We show the coincidence of K. Wodkiewicz operational probability distribution function and V. Kuryshkin quantum distribution function. The correspondence of both functions to L. Cohen time-frequency spectrogram is shown.We discuss in brief the connection of investigated distribution functions with statistical model of quantum measurement theory
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):98-103
pages 98-103 views

Atomic Force Spectroscopy of Human Stomach Epithelium

Dedkov V.G., Dedkova E.G.


For the first time, we have measured adhesion forces between normal and malignated tissues extracted from human stomach epithelium and the tip of an atomic force microscope. We have found a significant decrease (more than by an order of value) of the adhesion forces of malignated cells, and their contact stiffness, as well.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):104-107
pages 104-107 views

Nashi avtory

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Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):108-109
pages 108-109 views

Pravila oformleniyastatey

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Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2010;(3.1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

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