Interference Refractometry of Terahertz Surface Plasmon-Polaritons Launched by a Free-Electron Laser
- Authors: Gerasimov VV1, Knyazev BA2, Nikitin AK3, Nikitin VV3, Rijova TA4
- Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS
- Novosibirsk State University
- Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrumentation of RAS
- People’s Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: No 2 (2013)
- Pages: 191-200
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The problem of terahertz (THz) surface plasmon-polaritons (SPP) refractometry, i.e. determination of their complex refractive index κ = κ′ + i ⋅ κ′′ employing interferometric measurements, is considered in the paper. It is stated that one can determine both parts of κ provided the interference pattern formed by a reference bulk wave and the wave produced by the SPP is recorded. The idea was tested for SPP generated by monochromatic radiation (wavelength 140 μm) of Novosibirsk THz free-electron laser on gold samples covered with different thickness ZnS layers. Besides, intensity distribution of the SPP field in air over the track has been registered instantly with an uncooled vanadium oxide microbolometer focal plane array consisting of 320×240 sensitive elements. The results obtained are in good agreement with the theory provided the covering layer thickness is equal or exceeds 2 μm.
About the authors
V V Gerasimov
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS
B A Knyazev
Novosibirsk State University
A K Nikitin
Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrumentation of RAS
V V Nikitin
Scientific and Technological Center for Unique Instrumentation of RAS
T A Rijova
People’s Friendship University of RussiaGeneral Physics Department