Statistical methods for estimating quartiles of scientific conferences
- Authors: Ermolayeva A.M.1
- RUDN University
- Issue: Vol 32, No 1 (2024)
- Pages: 5-17
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- EDN:
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The article presents the results of the evaluation of quartiles of scientific conferences presented by leading rating agencies. The estimates are based on the use of three methods of multivariate statistical analysis: linear regression, discriminant analysis and neural networks. A training sample was used for evaluation, including the following factors: age and frequency of the conference, number of participants and number of reports, publication activity of the conference organizers, citation of reports. As a result of the study, the linear regression model confirmed the correctness of the quartiles exposed for 77% of conferences, while the methods of neural networks and discriminant analysis gave similar results, confirming the correctness of the quartiles exposed for 81 and 85% of conferences, respectively.
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1. Introduction As it is known [1], quartile (quarter) is a category of scientific publications, which is determined by bibliometric indicators reflecting, first of all, the level of citation, that is, the relevance of the publication by the scientific community. And if the procedure for assigning quartiles to scientific journals has long been developed and successfully applied in practice [2-5]. In addition, many metrics have been introduced to assess the impact of journals, such as impact factor, 5-year impact factor, immediacy index, and impact factor without self cites, median impact factor, aggregate impact factor and others [6]. At the same time, this issue remains the subject of research for scientific conferences [7-11]. Some rating agencies have already begun to rank scientific conferences without disclosing the details of this procedure. For example, there is a CORE conference ranking [12], a CCF conference ranking [13], and a Microsoft Academic conference ranking (has been deleted) [14]. The disadvantages of the first two ratings are that they are expert, regional and do not fully disclose the procedure for ranking conferences. They also rank only computer science conferences. Researchers use various methods to compile new conference rankings, such as correlation analysis [7, 15], statistical analysis [15, 16], calculation of indicators similar to journal ones [9], graph and tree analysis [8, 17], regression analysis [16], [11]. Many of these studies involved the use of several of the listed methods. There were also works devoted to the search for methods for predicting the rating of a conference or predicting the impact of works presented at a particular conference [18]. Machine learning was used for these purposes [19, 20]. Therefore, this study is devoted to comparing two popular methods for predicting conference rankings, and I also included in the study such a statistical method as discriminant analysis, which is essentially a mathematical prerequisite for machine learning. We managed to find data on some conferences via the Internet, including their quartiles and a number of other indicators, which will be discussed below. As a result, we received a training sample from 23 conferences, on the basis of which we will try to assess the adequacy of the quartiles exposed using three methods of multidimensional statistical analysis: linear regression, discriminant analysis and neural networks. © Ermolayeva A. M., 2024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 2. Training sample Let’s introduce the notation: -About the authors
Anna M. Ermolayeva
RUDN University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6107-6461
Assistant of Probability Theory and Cyber Security
6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationReferences
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