- Authors: Balakshin O.B1
- Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 131-156
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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Metaphysical methods of self-organization of harmony predict the beginning of the formation of the structure of a natural chain of chemical elements of matter. The trajectories of the sequence of chemical elements follow the Mendeleev-Luc, Fibonacci series and the paired principle periodicity (recurrence) of Nature. A digital model of the trinity of elements of the Periodic system connects neutrons, electrons and mass numbers of nuclei of elements and forms constants of their relations. It is confirmed by the formula of the proton-neutron theory of the atomickernels D.D. Ivanenko and V. Heisenberg. A comparison of experimental data with a theoretical prediction of the evolution of chemical elements showed them consent. The subsequent stages of the self-development of plants and animals follow the principles of self-organization of chemical elements, material whose memory displays their formation. The unity of the stages of self-development of systems on Earth is interconnected with the diversity of Nature. It confirms the interdisciplinary hypothesis of metaphysics that people think by the laws of Nature.
About the authors
O. B Balakshin
Institute of Mechanical Engineering. Russian Academy of Sciences4, M. Kharitonyevskiy Per., Moscow, 101990, Russian Federation
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