Socio-Interactive Level of the Socialization of the Law as a Resulting Stage of the Law-Making Process
- Authors: Sokolova A.A1, Trofimov V.V2
- European Humanities University Academic
- G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 146-171
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article analyzes a socio-interactive level of law socialization that is presented by the authors as a resulting stage of the legislative process, completing, in a sense, the formation of a legal rule. It is argued that the law becomes an objective reality only when it is included into the system of social interactions as their indispensable attribute. The authors explore the socio-interactive component of the law socialization in its connection to the role that the processes of socio-legal interaction play in the adaptation of legislative mandates introduced into the juridical practice by the subject of law-making. This perspective on the understanding of the law-making processes is grounded in the sociological conception of law that is compared to the philosophical and legal positivism approaches, while each conception is seen as an element of the integratrive legal consciousness. Integrative approach is seen as perspective in this context since it can combine all the main aspects of law (legal norms, legal relations, and legal consciousness). Socio-interactive aspects of law socialization are analysed through the theoretical and methodological approaches from foreign and post-Soviet theories of law and general sociology where the phenomenon of interaction (cooperation, communication) is seen as a key feature of the social in general and the socio-legal in particular. The article provides a deep insight into the specifics of law socialization in the sphere of civil life and public power competencies where different levels of legal mentality and approaches to law occur. At the same time in both cases the law as an efficient tool and the result of the law-making process is reificated (objectivated) in real life only after the socialization stage.
About the authors
Alla A Sokolova
European Humanities University Academic
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, emeritus professor, Academic Department of Social Sciences
17, Saviciaus st., Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-01127Vasilii V Trofimov
G.R. Derzhavin Tambov State University
Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory and History
181 B, Sovetskaya st., Tambov, Russia, 392008References
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