- Authors: Butt M.S.1
- Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
- Issue: Vol 24, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 780-800
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article focuses on the state of environment protection at global and regional levels. It dwells in detail on the definitions, history, causes of climate change and the efforts made by the international community to address this existential threat in a just and efficient manner, as well as the ongoing efforts to salvage the future of humanity by embarking on the road to sustainable development. The article also focuses on explaining the state of environmental degradation from a human rights perspective and suggests requisite measures that ensure the promotion and protection of human rights of the most disadvantageous persons and segments of every society. The special emphasis is placed on the origin of Islamic ecological thought, the dichotomy between Islamic precepts, which are fully in line with the just and sustainable use of natural resources, and the contradictory practices of Muslim countries. Equally important in this regard are the various initiatives, policies and decisions taken by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to address the challenge of environment protection at the national, regional and international levels, as part of the global community. In dealing with the state of environment protection in the OIC countries, the article also situates the overall debate within the context of the right to a healthy environment and the concept of climate justice. It accordingly makes a number of recommendations to different stakeholders including the primary target of the article i.e. the OIC countries both from a developmental and human rights perspective.
About the authors
Marghoob S. Butt
Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
Author for correspondence.
Diplomat, Human rights advisors to the OIC Secretary General and other relevant OIC bodies and organs, Doctoral student
2550 Khalij Al Qamar, P.O. Box 289 Jeddah, 21411, Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaReferences
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