Priorities of Economic Cooperation Between Russia and Azerbaijan in the Conditions of the Global Turbulence




The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in the context of the sanctions policy, the Russian Federation is interested in building a new paradigm of international relations focused on achieving economic and political advantages based on cooperation with friendly states. Azerbaijan, of course, acts as such a state, which, due to its geographical location, political stability and international cooperation with Russian manufacturers, is now able to become a strategically important partner, taking into account geopolitical and geo-economic realities. Despite the availability of scientific papers on the problem of economic cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan, there is currently no comprehensive study of the possibilities of expanding economic partnership in the conditions of turbulence of global processes. The purpose of the study was to determine the priorities of economic cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan in the context of the global transformation of modern international relations and the turn of the Russian Federation to the East. To achieve this goal, the methods of comparison, system analysis, synthesis, logical generalization, and economic analysis were used. As a result of the study, the current situation of the development of economic cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation was studied, taking into account the political peculiarities of the development of the global community, which makes this study interdisciplinary. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the factors contributing to the deepening of the economic partnership between the two countries have been identified. It was noted that in the new conditions, the role of Azerbaijan as a strategic partner of the Russian Federation is growing. The role of Azerbaijan as an international transport and logistics center has increased due to global turbulences, and in 2023 alone, the volume of traffic through the territory of the republic from Russia has almost doubled. It is concluded that the countries are interested in expanding economic cooperation and creating conditions for the development of international cooperation. Azerbaijan is expected to cooperate more closely with the states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), including the process of deepening the integration partnership within the framework of the formation of a single economic space. In addition, new priorities for international economic cooperation and strategic directions for the development of international relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation in the long term have been identified, taking into account the turbulence of global processes.


Igor Filkevich

RUDN University; Azerbaijan State University of Economics; Autonomous non-profit Organization “Initial Research Institute of Economic Strategies”

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0398-2575
SPIN 代码: 2620-4037

PhD, Dr. of Sc. (Economics), Professor, Leading Specialist, Higher School of Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, RUDN University; Researcher, International Research Center for Eurasian Economics, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC), Chief Researcher, Center for Eurasian Studies, the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Research Institute of Economic Strategies”

Moscow, Russian Federation; Baku, Azerbaijan

Zahid Mamedov

Azerbaijan State University of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6425-8690
SPIN 代码: 4640-3857

PhD, Dr. of Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head, International Research Center for Eurasian Economics

Baku, Azerbaijan

Aybeniz Gubadova

Azerbaijan State University of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7418-5085
SPIN 代码: 7316-5085

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics

Baku, Azerbaijan

Sevda Mamedova

Azerbaijan State University of Economics

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8306-4135
SPIN 代码: 9429-8791

PhD (Economics), Head, Research Center for Health Economics

Baku, Azerbaijan


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版权所有 © Filkevich I., Mamedov Z., Gubadova A., Mamedova S., 2024

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